Thursday, November 09, 2023

The CAVEmen strike a blow to education.

 A group of Hooplehead called the CAVEmen prevailed in the school election in Payson. CAVE stands for Citizens Against Virtually Everything. Republicans hate educated people, and Trump loves the ignorant. The school system in Payson will suffer from the cuts. The Hoopleheads will get a new supply of idiots. 

This is just a preview of how the country will deteriorate under Trump. Normal people are asleep in a daze. Meanwhile the country is being ravaged by idiocy. It can't happen here. Oh, you think not. What is more fundamental than a decent school system? The dropout rate here is amazing. Arizona is near the bottom in education and the Hooples want to make it worse. 

The retired people who rely on the young want to starve them of an education. What sense does that make? Trump relishes stupid people, and Republicans help him every inch of the way. 

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