Sunday, November 05, 2023

The End is Near

 Freedom as we know it will soon end. Read the New York Times today. Polls show Trump might win. Then read how Republicans are advocating a dictatorship. We are toast, the country is over, done, finished. The wave of stupidity has washed up beyond the beach. The Hoopleheads are infected with right wing lies and their stupidity is festering. Talk to some Hoopleheads if you want an experience. Republicans have divorced the simple minded from reality. Facts, math, science, and history have effectively been removed from the cement of the Hooplehead brain. Trump pisses on them and they think it is raining gold. 

Meanwhile people who are capable of think are singing zippity do da, zippity day. Educated people are scratching their testicles thinking, " Oh it can never happen here". Time to read some German history. Putin showed the super rich the government can work with the billionaires. Trump wants to try it here. Trumps mind is a swamp of ego and the Hooples don't care. The Hoopleheads can understand a king, the concept of democracy is too hard for them to grasp. The election of Mike Johnson says it all. The old Catholic Church used to have Cardinals, and Bishops who helped do the crime for a cushion life. Trump will pull the same stunt with his religion. The hacks will be rewarded for helping promote the lies. 

The Hooples brains have been stir fried on the internet. Yes, the Hooples are broke and living on credit cards, Yes, it will explode, and yes they will blame the Democrats for what the greed dogs did. What a miracle. The rich stole the money, and successfully blamed the poor. The rich have the money in their pockets and the Republicans have blamed the Democrats for giving the loot to the poor. 

As the infrastructure crumbles and the schools are so dumbed down the dazed Hooples get tatoos, wave Trump flags, and beg for more oppression.  You have to be drunk to fail to see that the IRS cannot collect the stolen money without agents to do it, but the Republicans are taking care of that.  Get ready for armageddon if Trump wins. Just imagine the havoc. Trump learned from his mistakes, next time he will have worse hacks, more crooked lawyers, and lickspittles. The Hitler mentality is coming supercharged on conspiracy theories and fairy tales for idiots. Fasten your seatbelt the turbulence will be the worst you ever experience before the crash. The current plan of the Republicans is to crash the economy so Biden looks bad. This amazing act of shooting our foot off will occur in a matter of weeks. Don't buy new shoes before you shoot your foot off, or at least remember to take your shoes off. All the happy snappy people paging through catalogs would do well to pick up something and read. 

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