Thursday, November 02, 2023

The Sun is struggling to rise in the sky

 What is the point? Kadizzle can hear the sun behind the mountains. The sun provides us with everything, and what do we do with it, waste it, and bomb each other. No wonder the sun doesn't want to rise. To see the human race squander the riches of the Earth is heartbreaking for the sun. It is all here, the soil, the water, you name it, we have it. The big question is what do we do with it? Somehow we pour the milk out, kill the bees that give us honey, and fill the ocean with plastic bottles. Any wonder the sun struggles to come over the mountains. We had a good climate, but we befouled it. We had ocean reefs, but we cooked them. 

The cause is right there, greed, a bigger house, fancier car, new shoes, and gold. Our most precious possession are our children and grandchildren, yet we spit on the very planet we will leave them. What in the hell went wrong when people became blinded? Anyone with two functioning brain cells can see Trump is a con man a crook, and the demise of freedom. How did the fog set in? Is it bad enough? No, we can make it worse and the Republicans are here to help. 

Change gears. Yesterday Kadizzle went to a hamburger joint and engaged the cashier in conversation. The cashier revealed he had dropped out of high school, but was going to go to college to be a comedian. Had no clue you could get a degree in laughter. Kadizzle explained to the genius that he was frugal and insisted on a 10% discount on everything. Then Kadizzle asked the cashier what 10% of fifty thousand dollars would be. Puzzled the cashier said $440 dollars. Hmmm, can a person working at a cash register be that dumb. Yep, this is Amarica, we are proud and stupid. However, maybe Kadizzle was wrong. Kadizzle was haggling with the young guy over a special offer that would have got him a seven dollar hamburger for 3 dollars. Somehow cashier genius managed to get Kadizzle two hamburgers for $2.72. That gets us to a special category, the idiot savant. Now there could be special people who cannot tell time but can play a masterpiece on the piano. There is another possibility. That is " A blind hog ol root" or even a blind hog can find an acorn. 

What if you had an army of stupid people? You could take over a country. A regular idiot figured that out, his name is Donald Trump. 

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