Tuesday, July 30, 2019

About the post below

Kadizzle posted the video below about some men working in what we call in West Virginia " Low Coal".  Years ago Kadizzle worked in southern West Virginia in the coal industry.  Jim Jones, my boss offered to take me into a low coal mine.  I had worked in high coal, but never been in low coal.  Low coal is about 28 inches high.   Kadizzle had worked in some 4ft coal in the Ohio Valley.   As you will see in the video you crawl in low coal, you cannot stand up.  You never appreciate a puddle until you have to crawl through one.

The reason my boss took me in the low coal was because it had a long wall mining system.  That is a whole different story and if you want you can look it up.  In the coarse of being in the low coal a miner went by pulling a child's wagon with a strap over his shoulder. The wagon was loaded with dynamite.  That should have been a clue they were about to blast.  Kadizzle was not expecting the blast when they shot the coal.  It startled him and he quickly raised up, only to hit his back and head on the roof of the mine. 

Miners who work in low coal get used to it and would prefer it to high coal. This is strange, but there is an explanation.  In high coal you can have what are called rib rolls.  That is where the side wall just caves in on you.  In low coal the sides are so small it is not a problem. 

The reason low coal is mined is because it is so valuable.  It is metallurgical coal that sells for a premium.

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