Friday, July 05, 2019

Can he be that stupid?

As usual Kadizzle started the morning update.  Sitting there with coffee Kadizzle read Trump said Revolutionary War soldiers took over the airports.  Giving Trump the benefit of the doubt, maybe he meant seaports. However, when you look at the big picture maybe Trump is that stupid.  He brags about nice letters from dictators, he lies constantly as if no one would notice.  Trump seems to be totally unaware that in the modern world people record what you say.  When the rest of us see the obvious evidence that the journalist was murdered Trump doesn't.  So we live with a president who goes in and out of reality. 

Watching the simple minded is always amusing.  Perhaps the audience watching Trump was as ignorant of history as the old Trumpster.  Maybe half the people in the crowd with the red dunce hats on thought there were airports in the time of the countries birth.  In Trumps world if he says it, it is true, and that is good enough for the Red Hats.  Of course the fake news would say there were no airports in George Washington's time just to make Trump look bad. 

Just think about it.  Think of the silly religious people who believe they will be god of their own planet when they die.  Religion clearly demonstrates massive numbers of people can believe incredible lies.  Trump has show how effective lying can be.  Trump knows the basic principle of lying, tell people what they want to hear. This car was driven by a little old lady only to church.  We are the best, and everything is working out biggly.

Although Kadizzle has told this story many times, it sums up Trump and his gang.  A woman back in the hills in West Virginia had a husband that went out in the front yard every morning and flapped his arms and made noises like a chicken.  The neighbor lady complained to the odd man's wife about his strange antics.  The chicken man's wife said " He aint hurtin no one, and besides we could use the eggs".  This is the classic answer of a Trump supporter.  Besides we could use the tax breaks his supporters say when Trump crows.

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