Friday, August 02, 2019

Praise be unto Jeeesus, it rained

The rain did what Kadizzle could not, watered the yard.  Years ago Kadizzle installed his own Rube Goldberg lawn sprinkler system.  Mrs. Kadizzle hated it, but it did deliver six thousand gallons an hour to the yard.  The system fell into disuse and Kaddizle tried to revive it, but apparently some wildlife moved into the pipes.

With the setback Kadizzle set out to install the used pump Rodger gave him.  Kadizzle began to pour money into the new mess.  A little at a time the water got closer to the yard from the creek.  As things started to look good Kadizzle turned on the pump and realized the power cord could not handle the needed electricity.  The only solution was more money for a bigger cord.  Well the hell with it.  Today Kadizzle will sadly junk the whole project. 

Kadizzle puts little time into his diatribes that get sent to the Bismarck Tribune.  However, Tony Bender often had the same theme and does a much better job.  Like Kadizzle Bender noticed what a terrible sad case our new representative Kelly Armstrong is.   Bender wrote a good article about Armstong's attack on Mueller during the hearings. 

Living in North Dakota has the feeling of living in Nazi Germany.  When you live here you know there are Hoopleheads all around you who would vote for Satan if it got them a tax break.  The phony Christianity that permeates the state only makes it worse.  We love children until they are born.  Here we sit in a state with a pile of money and we will not spend it unless it keeps Republicans in office.

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