Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Down the Missouri

We made it from the dam to Stanton and then some.  Our crew launched the two kayaks and one canoe.  Kadizzle took the canoe down in the garage at Ray's place.  Ray has passed on, but his canoe lives.  It seemed like one should not use such a piece of art as the canoe Ray built.  Such a canoe is a piece of art, but it went with us down the Missouri.

With the flood gates partially open the Missouri was carrying about as much water as it could without flooding.  Having spent so many winters in the desert it seemed strange to see so much water headed toward the gulf.  Every sandbar was under water.  An old song talks about the wide Missouri.  It is wide and about an inch deep in many places.

The 2011 flood changed the course of the river in many places.  The Knife River used to leave Stanton and go south, but now most of it seems to go north for a short distance.  Since the water in the River comes from the bottom of the lake it is very cold, but the fish like it.

Another day, lets see who Trump will trash today.

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