Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Busting through cults

It is hopeless. Getting through to a cult member is like busting concrete with rebar.  The Trump Cult is a perfect example. The cult members don't care if he lies, rapes ten year olds, or steals from old ladies, they love him just the same.  Religion works in the same vein.  Even though you never saw anyone walk on water, split open a sea, or rise from the dead, you believe.  Why?  Well it makes you feel good is the only explanation.  Well you can feel good getting robbed by a time share salesman, buying something useless on a TV add, or putting your money in a slot machine to get robbed.

Everyone live in their own special world.  Science seems to indicate our planet is in peril. So what the coffee is good and it looks like lunch will be good.  One of the best things about being 70 is the finish line cannot be that far off.  The oceans can only rise so much before Kadizzle is drawn up to the lord. However, it is distressing to think of the mess left for the children and grandchildren. 

Most likely no close relatives read this crap so we can launch into a tale of woe.  A close relative inherited a large sum of money.  In a relatively short time the money went up in flames and now that gang is living on the finical edge.  What does this have to do with anything?  Here we go.  The planet Earth is our inheritance. The planet has plenty of water, air, and damn near everything you need to make June Berry Pie.   What do humans do with this abundance.  Of course we squander it.  Republicans believe we are entitled to get and waste as much as humanly possible.   How's that workin for you?  There are more cars than grains of sand, everything comes in a plastic bottle,  we have coal fired slot machines. 

Pet peeve time.   Rumblers, Godamn rumblers.  This grouchy old man hates rumblers.  What in the hell are rumblers?  Once your mind turns to fudge you have several choices.  First, you can vote Republican, but if your so simple you don't even vote what is the second choice?  That brings us to rumblers.  You can get a car, a truck, a motorcycle, or maybe just a boom box and make noise.  There is something about low IQ and noise that goes together.  Simple minded people like to make noise.  The simple minded like to drive nowhere and make a lot of noise getting there.  Hot weather brings out the rumblers.  Kadizzle was down at Rita's sewing shop the other day and another category of rumbler was there.  It was a dolt with a noisy boat. Boat rumblers are some of the worst.  You are on the lake and all is well with the world. Peacefully you sail along, and then a mentally challenged rumbler with some goofy boat makes noise you can hear for miles on the lake. The rumbler bragged his noise machine used 250 gallons of gas a weekend.  Imagine that much gas turned into noise. 

Perhaps Kadizzle has mentioned it in the past, but he has always wanted to sell a CD to rumblers.  The CD would have a nice selection of noises.  The silly rumbler could put on headphones and listen to any kind of stupid noise he wanted without disturbing the universe.   Imagine a rumbler going down the highway on is big Harley with headphones on listening to motorcycle noises.  Somehow rumblers equate masculinity to making a loud noise.  God bless the rumblers and may they all become deaf.

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