Saturday, July 06, 2019

We are the greatest

Kadizzle made a trip with Stroupini to Bismarck yesterday to buy a light fixture for his garage.  As circumstance would have it Kadizzle ran into a clerk he had met the last time he was at Lowes.  The last time in the flower shop Kadizzle engaged the woman from Cameroon in a brief conversation about our pathetic president.  Seeing the woman again Kadizzle asked her how she liked living in the United States.  As a prejudiced American Kadizzle expected the woman to say she loved it.  Nope, she said she hated it.  Why? Kadizzle asked.  Too many rules and too many people in jail.

This brings us to your simple minded typical Republican dolt.  American is always the best, the greatest and we have a president that is wonderful biggly.  That all works fine unless you actually do some research.  If you dig into the facts things don't look so good.  Sure if you are rich in America, or any country for that matter things are pretty good.  However, the statistics put us behind in just about everything.  You name it, life expectancy, health care, education, happiness, and on it goes.  We live in a delusional country.  We believe a whole lot of stuff that just plain aint true.  What better to symbolize our delusion than the Donald?

So here we sit with the rich walking off with everything, the roads crumbling, the bridges falling, kids failing, and we are as happy as can be.  We have Fox News, and even local right wing cheerleaders.  They tell us we are the best.  Cheerleaders for a losing team.  When the lady from Cameroon tells you your country sucks, maybe it is time to listen to something other than Fox.

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