Thursday, July 11, 2019

Old Farts forget

Somewhere in the back of the mind Kadizzle thinks he may have written about this before, but the beauty of being senile is it does not matter.

One day Kadizzle wondered how is it that the same side of the moon always faces the Earth.  With unbounded curiosity Kadizzle looked into the matter. It turns out the science that Republicans don't believe in includes gravity.  Gravity always works a lot of dead people can attest to this.  Omar could be a witness he is a pilot and the first lesson at pilot school is gravity always works. This also is mentioned strongly in the part of the class about having enough fuel.

Now back to the moon.  The center of gravity on the moon is not in the center.  What?  The center of gravity for the moon is determined by the Earth.  As a fat guy Kadizzle can attest to this.  With the Earth tugging on the moon the center of gravity is pulled toward the Earth. Do to the laws of physic the Earth is pulled toward the moon, which means the center of gravity for the Earth is slightly off on the side the moon is on.  Now to the amazing part, it aint over til the fat lady  sings.  The moon's spinning slowed down because of the Earth's tug and finally synced with the Earth.  What next? Well the Earth is still adjusting the moon.  Slowly the Earth will put the moon into a geostationary orbit.  For those not keeping up that means the moon will stay in the same spot above the Earth.  Now the fun part. When this happens millions of years from now you will only be able to see the moon from one side of the Earth.  Of course this can all only happen if Republicans acknowledge the effect of gravity.  Children in the future who survive climate change will say  " Dad I want to go to the other side of the planet and see the moon".  Dad will say, " Son we don't have any gas, the Republicans pissed it away back in the old days when they put their red hats on".   Johnny might grow up and never get to see the moon. 

This lesson has been brought to you by the people who still believe in science, gravity, and reality.  If you are a Republican reading this just put it down as fake news.

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