Sunday, July 07, 2019

Asia comes to the back deck

Morning painting the house, then to Stroupini's house to put up a light fixture, then work on Stroupini's old windows.  Stroupini is fixing up a house in town so he can be an old goat in town.  Shanika showed up and helped paint at Stroupini's house.  The big dicision came to use Shanika's great invention the Wokinator.  The Wokinator is a propan fired Wok in a stainless steel table.  Kadizzle took old Shanika to the grocery store and bought him all the ingredients for a great meal. Shanik loves to cook, so for hours he diced and sliced.  To go with the food a nice variety of drinks were purchased.  Finally the Wok was set aflame and the sizzling sound of shrimp, fried rice, and vegetables came to life.  Ah, it was delicious, and a good time with old friends. Shanik made sure Kadizzle bought some desert.  Kadizzle bought vanilla ice cream to make the Mrs. happy.  Shanik sent Stroupini off on his motorcycle to get some Heath Bars at the gas station.  The bars were broken into small pieces and sprinkled on the ice cream for a perfect grand finally.

Now Kadizzle sits here a shameless balloon shaped man contemplating how he might shrink down.  Last night a dream came where Kadizzle had trouble getting through a door.  The dream fairy is telling Kadizzle something.  Hopefully the gang will take a nice motorcycle ride somewhere today.  Such aerobic behavior will surely erase the ice cream.

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