Thursday, December 14, 2017

Will the Bubble burst?

The stock market is cooking.  Who knows why? Some nagging voice tells Kadizzle the bubble is going to break.  It always does.  The United States has become a country that produces nothing.  People spend like drunks, so many have nothing but service jobs, and low Walmart jobs.  How can we sustain this mess. All messes are usually sustained by borrowing.  Now the Trump gang has come up with a scheme to give the rich a tax break and put it on the U.S. credit card.  Sounds great, but will the world buy it. When one really thinks about it our country is falling behind. We have the worst health care, we are behind in education, and by most measurements the country is no longer even in the top five on most major measurements.  Yet we cruise along blindly thinking we will never run out of gas.  Our prize dolts will not address climate change, healthcare, science, or the fact that we are slipping into a third world economy.  The band played as the Titanic sank.

Our economy is based on grow, grow, grow.  It simply will not work.  There is an interesting experiment where you put some bacteria in a test tube.  The number of bacteria double every minute.  Everything is fine until 59 minutes go by.  The last doubling in the last minute kills all the bacteria. We live on or in a test tube.  Every so often the pollution doubles, the population doubles, and we all pretend like the planet is limitless.  An economy that works on more, more, more consumption is doomed to fail.  The cat lady starts with one cat, then two, then three, and soon she is overrun with cats.  The cat ladies belief in cats eventually creates her demise.  Bulletin, I found the youtube video. It appears above this. Watch it, there will be a test.

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