Sunday, December 03, 2017


Yesterday we had a vegetable feast.  A couple of the volunteers have discovered Peter Bigfoot's floundering hippie commune up Campaign Creek with our help.  Bigfoot gave a generous amount of fresh vegetables for the donation Larry and Salindra gave him.  Little Mike did the cooking and the old fogies had a good meal of veggies and salmon.  It was a nice gathering.

Somewhere in the conversation the discussion evolved from solar power to using hydrogen to power your car.  When it comes to car talk there are two legends that will not go away.  One is the old hundred mile per gallon carburetor the car industry was paid to squash by the oil industry.  The other favorite is the canning jar contraption that converts water into hydrogen for you engine.  The alternator of the car breaks the water down into Hydrogen and oxygen which is fed into the engine.  Anyone who has a rudimentary understanding of physics would know this just will not work.

One fellow at the dinner said why not use a battery to run a generator and thus produce electricity that will charge the battery?  Well the sad news in all of this is that there are millions of people out there that believe this total nonsense.  Now think about it.  Trump got elected. Who did it? Yup, the people who think perpetual motion is just a simple matter of wiring or putting a jar of water under the hood you can turn into hydrogen to run your car.   More than anything this points out the fundamental failure of our education system.  However, keep in mind there are millions and billions of people who believe nonsense equally as absurd under the religion label.  So as we think civilization is progressing the same people who believe in perpetual motion think you can give the rich more and have more yourself.

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