Friday, December 29, 2017

Can you smell a scam?

Yesterday Kadizzle was contacted on Facebook by an old friend.  It was not really an old friend, but someone who had hacked into his account.  The communication had the smell of a scam.  Sometimes it is fun to play along with scammers.  Kadizzle would get the call from the guy in India doing the Microsoft scam.  The fellow with a strong accent would say punch this key and that key to fix the so called virus. Kadizzle would pretend like he was doing it and act confused.  The whole thing took up a lot of the scammers time and eventually the scammer figured out he was being scammed.

There are more sophisticated scams like the ones the Republicans do.  They tell a bunch of idiots they can get rich by giving tax breaks to the rich.  Religion has always been the most productive scam.  Look at how religious leaders have raked millions from ignorant poor people who think they can donate their way to heaven.

Casinos are the next best thing to religion for scamming people.  Both religion and casinos are legal, but only religion is tax free.   Casinos do let a few people win to make the scam look legitimate.  Republicans let a few people win to promote their scam.  All good scammers know you need to make it look like you can win.  Every good Republican will say that all you need to win is persistence and hard work.  Usually your persistence and hard work come out better if you father gave you a bank or a car dealership.  Donald Trump brags how he is a self made man with a gift of a million dollars from his father and a loan of another eight million.  Didn't your dad give you a million and lend you eight.  No, problem, just work hard. 

Imagine a hundred yard dash where your competitor gets a fifty yard head start.  Now your Republican competitor will tell you when he wins you were just lazy, did not practice enough, and were not motivated.   So the poor are a bunch of welfare cheats.  The guy born in a mansion just cannot understand why the ghetto dweller ask for help.  Now want some whipped cream on your fantasy.  Republicans feel they do not have enough of a head start so they want to do away with  the inheritance tax.  At one time you could only inherit one million dollars tax free.  It went up to 3.4, but that is not enough of a head start.  Republicans want to totally eliminate the inheritance tax, which will mean the Waltons who own Walmart will pass on 52 billion tax free.

Back to the hundred yard dash.  Imagine being in high school and lining up for the race.  The referee tells you competitor he gets a 50 yard head start.  You object and ask why.  The referee explains it is just like the inheritance tax.  You competitors father won the race when he was in high school, so his son get the fifty yard head start.  Seems like perverse unfair logic, but Republicans believe this and have sold it to the working class as part of the greatest scam on Earth.  Now every good Republican will tell you " They earned it they can do whatever they want with their money".  Now comes the problem.  The people who inherit the cash did not earn it, but they can do whatever they want with their money.  If they want to give it to their kids remember it is their money.  So now it goes on for generations. 

What is welfare?  Most people believe welfare is getting something for nothing.  So if you are the sperm of a rich man and you win the race to the egg chances are you will get welfare, or should we say something for nothing.  What happened to good old fairness and equality.  Well we all stand an equal chance of being born the child of a rich person. 

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