Monday, December 04, 2017

Up Early

Kadizzle got up early.  The laundry did not dry all the way in the dryer last night so he gave it another shot.  When Kadizzle went out the door at five in the morning to the Forest Service laundry.  Mrs. Kadizzle thought he ran away.  Mrs Kadizzle is up watching the Netflix show " The Young Pope".   Anyone who has spent one moment studying the history of the Catholic Church and the outrages of the popes cannot help but wonder about the complexity of the fraud.

Now we have the Old Pope, Donald Trump.  Trump is openly as rotten as all the popes were in secret.  The Hoopleheads love it.  Trump lies with impunity.  Lucky for Trump his followers feel the New York Times is fake news.  The NYT has shredded Trump. Today Billy Bush, the guy who listened to Trump say grab em by the you know what wrote an editorial.  Read it. 

How do people with functioning brains watch public figures lie, and acquiesce to the fantasy it is truth? They want to believe.  They want to believe some lying scoundrel can make America great again. They want to believe in streets of gold.  Wanting to believe is the first step in getting fooled, the requisite for going to a magic show, and the underlying principle of casinos.  Trump like Hitler knows the bigger the lie the better. Stir in some hate, and you have Republican pie.

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