Saturday, December 02, 2017

Caution, this is going to be a rant

Two days we were in the wilderness enjoying the serenity of isolation.  Returning to civilization only to find the Republicans have pulled off the most massive fraud in history.   Kadizzle is livid about how the Republicans have exploited the ignorant using the most basic tricks of lying, fear, paranoia, and all the regular arts of con men.  The Hoopleheads signed up in droves to get taken to the cleaners.  Our children are doomed as the Republicans put tax cuts for the rich on our children's credit cards.  It was just too easy to go along with the raving lunatic we call president.  This whole scam will plunge our country into third world status.  Most people have no clue how far behind our country has fallen in every major statistic of social well being.  The most amazing part of the entire fiasco are the people who are going to get hammered the worst.  That is the crowd of gun totting fools that elected Trump.  Trump drained the swamp and put his own rodents, alligators, lizards and fungus in to replace the old swamp dwellers.  Trump lies on average five times a day.  His followers believe him six times. 

People are supposed to learn from history.  Did anyone ever read about the depression?   The depression was brought on by the robber barons.  They took everything and all the money went to a select few at the top.  People were actually starving to death in Texas and the rich debated if they should be helped because it might encourage welfare.  So here we are once more watching the rich rig the game for themselves by buying congressmen by the dozen.  No one notices, the Hoopleheads have their guns and Jesus, the pickup has gas, and we can watch football on a big screen TV, what is the problem?  The problem is the next big move is for the Republican to destroy social security and the other things that keep peoples heads above water.  Of course when it all blows up, which is surely will, it will all be the fault of Obama and the snowflake liberals. 

We now live in a country of " I got mine".   I got mine the hell with you.   One thing that has ruined the world for everyone is the spread of poverty.  What fun is it to go to the best place in Mexico, but have to wade through destitute people to get there.   Islands of the rich surrounded by slums, that was never fun, and never will be.  Was it fun for the plantation owner to sit on his porch and watch the slaves suffer with nothing?  If it was the plantation owner was a rich psychopath.  Sadly that is a description for Trump, the Koch brothers, Rush Limbaugh, and the whole bunch of greedy dogs.  They have no mercy for the poor, or anyone who was not born with a rich daddy.  Well sit back enjoy a nice drink and wait for the explosion.   Wait hold the press Kadizzle forgot the bonus.   You also get to watch the environment shred as the world blows up with global warming.   I thought I could stop, but one more thing.

The other day Kadizzle read a story in The New York Times (Fake News).   There is a section of Peru that is having a wonderful economic boom.  Crops are blossoming in the desert.  The glaciers are melting and providing plenty of water.  One minor problem the glaciers will be gone in 15 years. Then what?  Ask Trump his tax plan works the same way.  You get a little prize up front right before they hammer you.  Just like the Trump delusion there is an environmental bonus.  Under those glaciers are a lot of toxic minerals.  So when you get down to the bottom of the melted glacier you get some poison with your water.  What a deal.

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