Friday, December 15, 2017

Van Hotel

Kadizzle slept well by himself in the van.  After a forever drive from Pensacola we made it back to Dickinson, Texas.  The two predictable slow downs in traffic were not that bad.  What was amazing to see was the weavers.  Weavers are usually young extremely stupid drivers that act like they are in a race they can win.  The weavers zip across lanes and love to panic normal drivers with their dangerous moves.  An occasional weaver would come by us on the trip and it was fun to see the idiot jockey for position.  As we approached our final destination the weavers got thick.  Weavers cause wrecks and of course they did cause a final wreck which was being cleared up.

With modern technology weavers could be caught by computers.  The erratic driving of the weavers could be spotted by a computer and modern cameras could capture the license plate numbers.

We are once again at the hoarders house.  Three adults are discussing and admiring the hoarding stash in the garage.  The hoarder assistant is calling the garage their own grocery store.  Kadizzle has seen small grocery stores that have less.  If one of anything is good 16 is better.  Maybe Kadizzle can sneak a picture of the garage hoarding.  Thankya Jesus this is a clean hoarding association.

This house is ready for either Armageddon or the apocalypse.

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