Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Heart Attack

Early yesterday Cliff took Bill to Globe.  Poor old Bill was having a painful heart attack.  This morning Bill will have surgery.  Bill is a skinny little guy that cast no shadow when he turns side ways.  Bill has been volunteering for a long time.  A retired machinist Bill is a great guy to have when you need something fixed. 

So this is the world we live in.  Bill works for free, and contributes to the goodness of the world.  Our leader the most vile man ever elected president, and his Republican buddies want to screw Bill out of health care and anything else they can. Trump will give every person with an income of one million dollars a year an additional $69,000 dollars. Meanwhile people don't have a pot to piss in and work for free.  What kind of a country gives a four percent tax break to someone who doesn't need it and a one percent break to those on the bottom.  The greed driven insanity of the Republicans is hard to take when you see a good person with nothing working for free while the Republicans set it up so the Walton family of Walmart can pass on 52 billion tax free.  The insanity only gets deeper when you read how the  " Christians "  ushered in this reign of greed.

There are so many people doing so much good with so little, then you have people like the Koch brothers, some of the richest people in the country, waking up every day trying to destroy the working class.  From the Republican perspective poor people are just lazy welfare cheats.  Perhaps Republicans should spend a day picking fruit or trimming trees.  The Waltons have no problem with grandma standing at the door of their Walmart making minimum wage while the CEO gets $8,000 per hour.  That blasted lazy grandma should have gone to Harvard and become a nuclear physicist.  It was grannies fault her parents could not afford to send her to private school.  So along comes the Republican Jesus who approves of all this.  After all the Pope lives in splendor while the peasants in South America pick the coffee beans by hand.  One of the Walton ladies built a 600 million dollar art gallery in Bentonville Ark.   Who cares if the bridges are falling down and the subways in New York don't work, enjoy the art.  So this year the Republicans will try to take away social security, health care for poor children, and build up the bloated military.  Meanwhile Bill has surgery today and maybe he can recover and come back and work for free so more money can be available for Trump to golf.

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