Thursday, December 21, 2017

Raping the ignorant

Kadizzle slept at a rest stop expecting the tractor trailer to start in the middle of the night. Sure enough the driver got cold and the rumbling of the truck continued through the night.  Ned and Kadizzle took of very early and made it back to the Earth Module by afternoon.  The tour of the south has ended.  The impression of stupidity and poverty lingers.

The flourishing of ignorance has really been driven home.  If you have read this blog earlier you know during the tour of the south we spent time at a hoarders house.  The hoarder shocked Kadizzle by telling him she believed the shooting of children at Sandyhook never happened. It was fake news.  Of course this woman was a Trump supporter.  Now Kadizzle sits here shocked that Trump pulled off the biggest robbery in history with his tax fraud.  The abundance of the poorly informed, and easily fooled is frightening.  NPR just had a segment about how the life expectancy is going backwards.   Laying in bed last night Kadizzle realized the United States is a third world country.  Driving along the border as  we did you could see no difference between Mexico and the United States.   Trump has assured the status of our country as a third world country.  The every day working person will slip into poverty and the rich will reap the rewards of trickle down.  Simply lying and lying was all Trump had to do. Hitler did the same thing. It works.  People want to hear lies that let them believe a fantasy. Tell a fat person they look great and what are the odds they will believe you.  Tell some dolt they can win the lottery, it works.

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