Friday, March 07, 2014

They have to be here somewhere

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Today was more or less a relaxation day, but of course The Commander could not sit still. Late in the afternoon the Kadizzlites decided to go back to a spot we had hiked before and poke around at the trailhead. This was the spot where we met the foremost zombie writer doing a book signing last year.

When you drive back into this area you cannot help but think it would be ideal Indian habitat. It is an area with all the essentials, food, water, and a good spot to live. In the past we have found no evidence of dwellings here. Disembarking from the Tundra we hiked up the rocky road a short way and could hear the water running in the stream below. As we headed toward the sound of rushing water we found a well worn path. The path led to an absolutely perfect swimming hole complete with a waterfall. On a warm day plunging into that pool from the natural diving rocks would be orgasmic. After we stopped to take some pictures we looked to see where the trail continued up the canyon. In a short distance we encountered an old road. Soon the road petered out, but there looked like a promising Indian bluff about a quarter mile away. Kadizzle told The Commander she was free to hike up there, but he was staying put. It took The Commander about 45 minutes to make the summit. To the crew's disappointment The Commander's hike was futile. Although she got a good view of the area, there was no Indian site.

Returning to the truck we headed back to camp. This area was just too nice to be ignored by the primitive people. There was a strange rock wall running by the road that made no sense. Kadizzle thought it might be some sort of water diversion, but it was not high enough to serve any other purpose. As we headed down and out of the area we noticed some piled stones. Of course The Commander insisted we stop and investigate. Sure enough back in the brush the remenants of some sort of dwellings were present. Kadizzle was skeptical and just sat in the truck letting her excellency do the investigation, but when The Commander said she found pot shards the hunt was on and Kadizzle headed for the brush. The site seemed like someone stole a lot of the stone from the walls. We both speculated perhaps some rancher had made the wall we saw earlier with stones stolen from the site. There were many pot shards so indeed it was occupied. The area would have been ideal. It was in a transition zone to the mountain, had water, and could have grown crops.

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