Sunday, March 02, 2014

Stealing on a rainy night.

The rain quit and Kadizzle stumbled out of the camper this morning.  Looking under the picnic table where the Honda Generator normally resides was nothing but the green bag we store it in.  Surely The Commander did not put the generator in the truck? Nope, the famous generator thieves cut the cable and now we are without power and a generator.  Hopefully the sun will come out and fill the battery with the solar unit.

What luck, Kadizzle had a good alarm system rigged to the generator, but through a series of errors the alarm was not set up.  The alarm had been set for two weeks steady, but with rain, who would think the thieves would be out working.  Even the sheriff was amazed that the thieves would get wet and cold just steal, usually they don't have that much ambition.  However, the sound of rain on a camper gave them good cover.

Now, back to the alarm.  Kadizzle went on the net and saw a U-tube video on how to make an alarm.  Kadizzle bought the stuff from radio shack an cobbled the alarm together with a model airplane batter, a schreecher, a piece of 2x 10,  some fishing line, and a cloths pin.  The set up had the fishing line leading to a brush used to clean the truck and camper.  When the sneak thieve moved the brush to steal the generator the alarm would be triggered.  Nope, since it was raining Kadizzle decided to soap down the truck and camper and let the rain do the rinse.  This meant Kadizzle had to unhook the brush.  Now comes The Commander who is adamant that the camp be prepared for rain.  The Commander puts the unattached alarm in the camper.  When Kadizzle goes to get the brush to clean he inadvertently triggers the alarm.  Now Kadizzle knows the  alarm is not set, but thinks who would be out stealing generators in this miserable weather?  So while we sleep the thieving dogs come.

Glancing over at the neighbors camper Kadizzle see they got his also.   Well now it is off to town to buy a generator.   This year we have know of three or four stolen.   If you need a Honda generator go to the flea market an buy ours.  Be sure to get a good price, it cost they guy nothing.

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