Monday, March 17, 2014

Magic Bum Juice

New York Cheech heads to L.A. Today to make the fashion world safe for democracy. The Cheech got hold of Kadizzles book about Magellan. The book Over the Edge is well written and draws you in quickly. Kadizzle and Cheech have had fun discussing Magellan's voyage. Magellan did not actually make it, but one of his ships did. Jelly was the key to his success. The voyage was plagued with scurvy. No on knew what caused scurvy, but Magellan's officers on his ship were accidentally saved from it because they took along a Jelly they liked. The next two tries to repeat Magellan's feat failed because of scurvy.

On today's walk to the office to fire the cannon, Kadizzle looked over at the bum encampment. Two quasi bums have moved under the cement ramadas on the west side of our encampment. Yesterday Kadizzle engaged them in conversation. The bums are Silly and Willy. Silly loves to talk about anything, much like Kadizzle himself. As Kadizzle talked with Silly, Willy would roll his eyes. Willy looks like “the most interesting man in the world” in the commercials, except he dressed casual bum style. Willy explained how Silly better catch a fish or he would have left overs. Willy already had a nice cat fish lined up for dinner.

The two bums migrated down from Vancouver for the winter. Their day seemed to be consumed mostly with drinking and smoking. As Kadizzle looked over the drinking supplies he noticed one bottle that appeared to hold some strange concoction. After Kadizzle asked what it was Willy launched into the virtues of the substance. “If you don't have your own juicer this is what you need”, Willy said. Willy went over the label with all the healthy ingredients. Kadizzle could not figure why the Bummore partners were so concernted about their health juice if they were drinking and smoking all day, so Kadizzle inquired what good was the juice if they drank and smoked like mad men? Willy explained that was the secret of the juice it neutralized the sin in the smoke and drink.

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