Friday, March 21, 2014

Balloons for my Birthday

Look closely and you can see all four of the hot air balloons that showed up to celebrate Kadizzle day. (click on the picture to make it larger)  At first it looked like they would all get blown to the west, but the winds of fate blew them right to the campground where the Earth Module resides.   A nice start to a good birthday.  Erin called in the morning with birthday wishes, and Kadizzle thanked her for the balloons.  Off to Sycamore Canyon with some camping neighbors, and the day began.  Sycamore Canyon was a splendid hike with many wonderful pools, many of them with rocks to dive from twenty feet high.  On the way back down the trail Kadizzle could not resist the temptation and stripped to his birthday suit and jumped in.  The water was could and the family jewels were in jeopardy, but it was refreshing.  For the grand finally we met Kadizzle's sister for a good round of Mexican food.   So he would never forget Kadizzle married The Commander on March 21,  1976.   As everyone knows to celebrate this momentis day the Earth stands straight up and the equinox occurs.  The universe is in harmony.  

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