Saturday, March 15, 2014

Captain Underwear appears and raises The Sneakers fears

After a scenic ride on a rented pontoon boat up the canyon at Canyon Lake with Ruth, Rodger, and New York Cheech the Kadizzlites returned to camp. Next on the agenda was dinner at the Handlebar bar and restaurant. The Handlebar has some excellent hamburgers, and other delights. The staff is friendly and efficient. If you have been following this blog you may know the female minister owner and her husband operate the place. The Commander is mesmerized by the beer selection.

During supper Kadizzle had a brief conversation with the owners husband. The husband revealed he had a day job working at a waste water treatment plant, a polite way of saying a sewage plant. As Kadizzle ate his supper it occurred to him that this family enterprise was making money on both ends of Kadizzle. They made money when the food went in and when it came out. This seemed unfair that they should collect on both ends, so Kadizzle called the owners husband over and explained to him this was unethical. With a grin he said he hoped Kadizzle had eaten a big meal.

Back at the RV ranch everyone settled in to sleep. In a constant effort to catch The Sneaker stealing generators everyone is on high alert for vehicles coming into the area late at night. The gravel makes a wonderful crunching alarm when driven on during a still night. Around 1:00 in the morning a car made its way into the compound. Kadizzle and the rest of the crew heard it and were awake. Captain Underwear sprang in to action. Dressed in his avenger outfit which consist of a pair of briefs or as Cheech would say “tidy whiteys”, and a T shirt with Walmart crocks the avenger sprang out the door to confront the intruder at the outhouse where he parked. Approaching the car Captain Underwear saw a man leaning on the back of the car in a manner that covered up the license. In shock after the rapid appearance of Captain Underwear the intruder was lost for words. Captain Underwear ordered the intruder to step away from the license and explained to him the area was plagued with generator thefts and Captain Underwear wanted to get the license number. A bit perplexed the intruder explained that he had come into the campground so his friend could use the restroom. His friend no doubt was a female. Realizing this guy did not have the MO of a generator thief Captain Underwear disappeared into the dark. The poor guy who must have been out late studying the reproductive sciences with his girlfriend must have told her about his encounter with Captain Underwear.

As rumors spread in the metropolis of Phoenix among the theiving crowd about Captain Underwear crime rates will surely diminish and citizens will breath easier.

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