Saturday, March 08, 2014

A Cackle Storm broke out in the campground.

A cackle storm can break out any time.  You stop to ask someone a simple question, and one thing leads to another, and next you are talking about hunting, solar panels,  your trip to Maldivia.  A couple days ago, an old cackler pulled into a spot near us.  The first thing he did was fill his fire pit with cigarette butts.  He was smoking himself to death at a quick pace.  Kadizzle said the traditional hello, and the guy seemed likable.  The next day, he announced his sea captain buddy was coming.  Kadizzle mentioned to the old goat  he had a captain's license.  Old Cackle said we would have to meet.

The sea captain showed up, and Kadizzle walked over to meet him.  Now Kadizzle has held his own in several cackle competitions, but he met his match.  The sea captain started telling endless tales and commenting on every aspect of boating and boat maintenance.  Kadizzle tried to get a tale in here and there, but could not drive a wedge into the flowing bullshit coming from the captain.  Back at the camper, The Commander wanted to go on an expedition.  Kadizzle used this as an excuse to get away from the cacklethon.

Two hours later Kadizzle and The Commander returned.  The old smoking goat and the captain were drinking beer and cackling away.  After the sun went down, the cacklers built a fire and the cackling continued.  It got cold and the cacklers moved inside.  They could still be heard cackling away.

Hens invented cackling, then women took it up.   Now men have mastered the skill.  Kadizzle has always took pride in prolonged cackling, but now he knows there are pro's out there that would put him to shame.  A good cackler can talk about anything.  Knowledge has nothing to do with it.  However, be careful, nothing can ruin a cackle like running into someone who really does know something.

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