Monday, January 08, 2007

Protecting the Fuzzies This is the link to my other blog Righteous Indignation. You can go to it an read an excellent article by Robert Herbert from the New York Times which explains in detail what the outrageous exectutive pay is doing to the average worker. As I wrote earlier on this blog site I try to avoid facts and reality because it upsets the fuzzies. In the world of the Fuzzies there is no global warming, George Bush is a hero, it never rains the day you get your car washed, and every pheasant you shoot falls at your feet already cleaned.

Children and the fuzzies are very similiar. Both have imaginary figures they believe in. Both truely believe things like gifts from the tooth fairy and farm subsidies come from no where. Children are adorable and fun, so are fuzzies. Children don't create poverty and war, but voting fuzzies can. We all are fuzzies at times, but most of us are willing to slip out of the fuzzie world once in a while and face reality, if indeed there is one.

In the old days I had a girl friend that adopted two young racoons. She was warned many times that when they are young they make wonderful pets, but as they get older watch out. This proved to be quite true. As little racoons they were fun to watch, hold, and adore, but with age they turned mean and did not belong in polite society. These little fuzzies needed to be protected. It turned out the way to do it was let them loose to be fuzzies with the other adult fuzzies. The important lesson was that you had to realize you could not change them. I should have learned that lesson early in life, but I guess I have been a bit of a fuzzie myself.

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