Friday, January 12, 2007

Crossing the Navajo Reservation at night.

Amazingly the commander decided to do the right thing and bust out of Evergreen yesterday. Our expedition needed to make it to Cottonwood before the weather went to hell. So here we are in Cottonwood. Sister Patty reported this morning that her husband Ned had been wandering around in circles since we left the last time. He was at a loss without us. He made too much oatmeal this morning so I had the pleasure of good oatmeal this morning. He makes it so thick you can use it for grout. The commander is going nuts thinking she is going to buy some property here. Unfortunately the weather here is not that good today. The wind has been terrible. They are warning people with toupees to stay home.

We drove across the Navajo Reservation last night. Cissie was concerned we may come under attack. We got into Cottonwood late and found a couple arrows stuck in the truck, but none hit vital parts.

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