Sunday, June 18, 2023

Too lazy to get rich selling strigils

Being a " know it all" is more difficult than many may think. Kadizzle inhales knowledge, much of it useless. In the quest to know everything Kadizzle was studying the history of Roman Baths. The Romans used to have their slaves raked their body with a strigil after they rubbed the body with olive oil. This removed dirt from the pores.  

Kadizzle wondered about this process and decided to try it in the shower. After washing himself he strigiled himself behind the ear and on the neck. Low and behold the strigil had dirt on it. Boing, why not sell silly Americans strigils. 

We all know how fads work. One dinger tells another dinger and the next thing you know everyone has to have a strigil to be in the in crowd. It would take a little work to set up the strigil business, but anything that convinces people they removed dirt from their body is bound to be a hit. If you want to go into the strigil business get hold of Kadizzle, you can do all the work and Kadizzle will explain what to do. Of course Kadizzle will get half the millions we make. We will begin by giving away strigils. It might cost two dollars to make a strigil, we will sell them for six dollars. Figure it out. Remember all the stupid things people buy. 

A classic stupid purchase is an orange bucket. At home depot you pay six dollars for a bucket. Kadizzle has ten identical buckets for free. The buckets Home Depot sells flourish on construction sites as garbage. The painters in our neighborhood buy paint in five gallon buckets. After the paint in the bucket dries it peels off like plastic and you have a sparkling clean bucket. People cannot realize that being poor is just a pile of stupid decisions to waste money. Costco is selling water by the truckload. Every busted flat slummer comes out of Costco with two, three, maybe four cases of bottled water.  Its like you cannot get water for free everywhere. So you just spent twenty bucks for water that comes out of the tap practically free. Guess what if you read the label on the bottled water, you would find it is just filtered city water. Hmm, maybe you could filter your own water at half the cost. Boing, being broke is an art. 

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