Friday, June 16, 2023

A reading assignment.

Normal educated people may do what Kadizzle asks, but of course the Hooples will not even consider it. David Brooks wrote an excellent discourse on Donald Trump in the New York Times today. Brooks summarizes the damage the rat named Donald Trump has wreaked upon our country. Should a Hooplehead read the article lightening, would flash through their soggy brain, steam would flash from their ears, and perhaps thought would enter where it never has before. That will not happen, a Hooplehead is dedicated to the cult. Try to convince some simple minded Jehovah's witness they are on a different planet, or try it with a Mormon, it just will not work. They live in a trance they cannot break out of. 

Now for a side note. As Kadizzle drove down the road who did he see? Yes it was the Jesus wagon with the finger disciple driving. In a gesture of hello Kadizzle gave the Jesus wagon the finger, just as he does to us when we protest. So if you see the Jesus wagon roaming about town be sure to greet him with the finger. That is what Jesus would do. Remember the old WWJD, what would Jesus do?

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