Friday, June 23, 2023

A lot of Bullsnake

The Kayak had to go back into its spot, so the Kadizzle's headed down the narrow set of steps that lead to the backyard. Things seemed to be going alright when Winky suddleny dropped the kayak with a loud bank. Kadizzle thought she fell. No, she jumped off the steps into the clear. On the steps was a huge snake she thought was a rattler. Nope, it was a bull snake. Kadizzle stepped right over it without noticing. The big snake had markings that made it appear as if it was a rattler. Quickly we realized it was harmless. The snake crawled right into the rock wall along the steps somehow. Winky's heart was pounding. At first sight Kadizzle thought it was a rattler. The country we live in has a lot of snakes. Also we have a lot of mice. Makes sense. Kadizzle has seen the big old bull snake around before. Since we have not seen a rattler close to the house, the bull snake must be keeping them away. Fine, Mr. Bull Snake. With the abundance of mice the big guy is also welcome to eat them all.   

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