Monday, June 19, 2023

Hard Core Cult Members

Most of the Hoopleheads have toned back the Trump hats, stickers, and flags. The Hooples will not admit it, but deep down they know it shows they are in the cult. Now, there are some hard core Hooples that still want to fly the Trump flag and make sure everyone knows they have some mental deficiencies. Kadizzle cannot resist going up to a simple minded dinger with a Trump emblazoned t-shirt and asking " What do you think about Trump's crimes?".  Of course you get the usual "fake news", liberal media nonsense. The ones still wearing the military outfit of the liar are so far out in the hinterland you cannot have a rational discussion. Trump is a religion. Common sense, logic, reality, and the truth don't work if you are into religion. You are forced to abandon normal thought. Let Jesus and Trump decide what is true, it is too much for a Hooplehead to tackle.  

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