Friday, June 02, 2023

Another Day Older and What do you get?

Kadizzle did a good deed yesterday. With two members of the Seaira Club, Winky and Kadizzle hiked into the Seaira Anca Mountains. Kadizzle carried the chain saw for miles up the mountain.  Kadizzle cut the largest log he has ever cut so to clear the trail. The log must have been over four feet in diameter. Little did Kadizzle realize when cut the log would roll toward him. With his already sore leg he ran from the log successfully. 

Four old people working hard to clear the trail for others to use. Kadizzle could make a rock political so please don't mind. One thing Kadizzle has noticed in years of hiking and clearing trails, Republicans do not do the outdoors like Democrats. Democrats pick up trash, hike, and clear trails. Republicans drive insane large campers and pay to stay in expensive campgrounds. Now of course this is a generalization, but in all the years we have been outdoor people Kadizzle has found the people back in the deep woods are generally liberal and Democrats. Now to be honest there is an exception, Ranchers, and loggers tend toward the Trump cult and they are in the woods. If you are paid to be in the forest you might be a Republican. A lot of confused young fire fighters that never went to college get the Trump infection. 

This whole discussion reminds Kadizzle of going to Big Bend Texas many years ago.  All the birders, and nature enthusiast camped in one isolated nice spot in small campers. The huge diesel pusher expensive motor home group stayed in the zippity do da campground. 

The country is polarized. Republicans are all for destroying the planet, the streams, the air, and every once of wilderness. Don't forget their assault on the national parks. The Republicans have starved the agencies that take care of the wilderness. 

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