Monday, June 12, 2023

The United States is toast

It is over, the country as we have known it is gone. The wealthy have purchased the government and we are now serfs. Trump has shown us there is no government. Republicans are such lickspittles they will destroy the nation to promote the greed of the rich. It is done, over, finished. Trump will get away with his crimes. 

Yesterday was just one more day when Kadizzle spoke to two young people. They are lost in the world of vaping, tatoos, and computer stupidity. The young have left the room. As long as you got your smoke, your vape machine, some gas in your car and a phone who cares. 

Republicans have weaponized stupidity. Attend a Tea Party meeting or any Republican event and see that the Republicans welcome fascism. They don't know what it is, but they are embracing the idea of big daddy Trump. Religion brought on this mess. People have been conditioned to believe in nonsense, popes, kings, and Trumps. The cult mentality has prevailed. You have motorcycle cults, cults of gamers, and of course white supremacist cults. 

Society is now a battle between cults. The wealthy have purchased the lickspittles on every level. Lying has become an industry. Trump has shown the gold mine in lying and Fox News has made billions manipulating idiots. We are toast, done, finished. 

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