Sunday, June 04, 2023


Yesterday was a nice Democratic picnic. However, it had a few weird moments. A Republican Hooplehead drove by an yelled some nasty remarks at my friend. My friend is a prominent provocateur of the liberal ideas in town. He is not mean or nasty, but the Republicans seem to feel free to carry guns, give you the finger, and act like the Klan. The difference is real, and obvious. Republicans thrive on hate. They hate LGBT. They hate XYZ, Anything that is not them, they hate. They thrive on fear. Democrats want to take care of the poor, Republicans want to starve them, including children. Democrats know the real problem is the greedy rich, Republicans think it is the welfare cheats. Republican live in the world of delusion and conspiracy. 

Back when Kadizzle protested with Emil Kashuntz the nasty Republicans showed their colors. They could drive by and shout obscenities, but they did not have the courage to stop and talk. Gary Morris, and Michael Heather are the classic Republicans. After they lie they hide, and refuse to be confronted about their lying. Trump showed them the way. 

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