Friday, June 30, 2023

Chris Christie is Hammering Donald Trump

 Amazing to see and hear, Christie is blowing the whistler on Trump. How about that Hoopleheads?

Up on the mountain

The old guys cleared the trail, the block and tackle worked well. Four old men and one old Winky worked up in the Sierra Anchas moving the trees the wind has blown down. No chainsaw, just the old buck saw. It was nearly a hundred miles just to get to the trail. The drive took us down through Tonto Basin. So many people are living a jumble messy life in double wide homes, trailers, and communities that look like they were planned with a Weegee Board. We used to call such planning " We Needa" .  In we needa planning you just do things with no regard for the relationship of one thing to another. We needa outhouse, so put one in the front yard. We needa fence to keep the dog home so put up a chainlink mess. We needa fix the leak in the roof so put a blue tarp over the hole. The United States is plagued with poor planning. We have no mass transit, we have towns ruined by road construction, we have run down housing everywhere. Republicans addicted to greed have brought us a we needa world. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

We are Awake, not woke

The sun is not yet over the mountain. The gang is going into the Sierra Ancha Mountains to clear trails today. Emil Kashuntz my 81 year old friend is going to go along. Looks like a nice day. Could be very warm. So far we have been very pleased with the summer weather in Payson, AZ.  Nights are cool, and the days get a little hot, but are nice. Kadizzle has been contemplating using a winch or block and tackle to move logs. Carrying equipment into the woods takes effort, so the less you take the better. 

Noticed the cement workers are already here at five A.M.  People here start early and stop early because of the heat, makes sense. The air conditioner has run very little. 

Have been thinking about Biden running for president. He is just too old. Kadizzle is 74 and his brain is already turning to fudge. Biden should let a young vibrant person run. It would be a good contrast to Trump the old lying goat. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Burn the furniture

Everytime Kadizzle reads about the climate mess he thinks about the book " Angela's Ashes".  Kadizzle did not read the book, but someone told him about how the family was so poor they started tearing the walls apart to burn the wood for heat.  That is planet Earth today. Everyone acts like they don't notice the planet is on fire. We sit here in Payson watching the mountains on fire. Canada is smoking out the U.S.  The television works and we have beer in the refrigerator along with gas in the car, who cares if it is 120 in places on the planet where that has never happened before. When your dead you will know it, or maybe not. Amazing how people can shrug off disaster. They claimed the band played on the Titanic as it went down. Kadizzle hopes to be watching Jeapordy as he chokes to death on smoke. Why do anything, the Republicans assure us it is just a made up story by the liberals. There is no flood, just because we have water over our ankles in the living room does not mean there is a problem. It is a liberal plot. Trump can lead us out of this we just have to believe. Kadizzle read in The Hazen Star of our old town that they are going to outlaw solar energy. Ain't have none of that nonsense, let's burn some lignite coal. The same luddites have already outlawed more wind power. 

Recently my sister told me a story about when she was sent home from school because she was sick. The teacher said she thought Patty might have asthma. Our father told my sister we were too poor to have asthma.  Must have been true, Patty is grown and doing fine.  Cleaning up the environment would be too hard on the rich, so let's just ignore  it. 

You have seen it. Some poor dinger is driving his junkmobile around with four of those tiny emergency spare tires. Works just fine until you run out of those tires. Same with air, breathe what you can until you can't. These problems that solve themselves are great. Once Trump lies his way into office that problem will solve itself. Nothing beats a solution like nuclear war during a dictatorship. 

All of this reminds Kadizzle of an old airline accident. The pilot would not listen to the co pilot. The co pilot kept telling the pilot " Were coming in too fast".  As the plane skidded off the end of the runway and killed them both the co pilot said " I told you so Bob".   Yup that is the Hoopleheads, the dingers, and the Trump cult, they will get the message. 

Hooplehead Popper

 Read the article in The New York Times “Why does Trump lie like there is no tomorrow?”  Very good analysis. The article will melt Tea Party and the Trump cultists. Of course none of the simple minded will ever understand it.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Real Reason Social Security Is in Danger | Robert Reich Republicans don't want you to know this.

Dingers, Tea Party patriots, and Hoopleheads cannot figure this out. Republicans are delighted. 

The Scammer got Winky

Winky fell for a scam. Some Republican ( All evil is done by Republicans) texted Winky and said she had to pay three dollars to correct an address mistake within 24 hours. Whenever there is a time limit beware. She gave the dingers our credit card number. Luckily we figured it out quickly and canceled the cards. Now, the headache begins, we have to restart all our payments. What fun.  Scammers constantly plot against good Americans. Of course Trump set the standard. Trump has scammed millions from the Hoopleheads. Trump has perfected it. Trump is charged with a crime and the Hooples send him money. Trump commits a crime and is sure to get paid well for it. Other Republicans have followed. Marjorie Taylor Green has raised millions lying and acting like Trump. Here in Arizona, Kari Lake has made money lying just like Trump. There is big money in lying. Fox News has made billions. Of course the Hooples are key. The Hoopleheads love a good lie. 

Following General Crook's trail.

Three of us went up on the Rim and hiked along part of what used to be General Crook's trail. The General built a road to harass the native Americans way back in 1871. None of the road was an easy job. The Rim is a major tourist draw around here. The Rim is an escarpment, in fact the longest one in the world. The uplifted cliffs run for two hundred miles and are the beginning of the Colorado Plateau. 

Age is catching up. The six mile hike in and out with high temperatures wore old Kadizzle down. The good news was the hike had a gentle slope and the trail was easy walking. We stopped at Fred Haught's cabin, or what was left of it. All that remained was an outline of logs and the fire place. The fireplace was a puzzle. The mantle was one huge stone, and the rest of the fireplace was dry laid rock. How did Fred get that big stone up there? Living out there in the middle of nowhere must have been interesting. 

At every wilderness sign post was a poster for a person missing over a year. A couple times Kadizzle has seen these posters in the woods. Suicide is most likely the answer. Yes, you can get lost in the woods, but you would have to work at it. In modern times you can hardly go any direction for any period of time without hitting a road. It might be possible a mountain lion or bear killed you and at you, but most likely you junk would be near the trail. Kadizzle thinks these people go out in the woods and hide themselves then kill themselves. With modern equipment and search techniques people can be found. The other strange thing is who would go out alone and not give someone a good idea of what they planned to do?Seems like most of these people go to a remote place and leave their car. Ultimately someone notices a car parked for to long. A lot of people wander the wilderness looking for antlers. Chances are someone would find clothing, a belt buckle, or some item the person had. To go missing without a trace you would have to work at it. People generally follow the same route, even if there is no trail. That would mean your bones would be findable. Who knows. We have hiked thousands of miles in the woods and found many strange things, but never come across human remains. Once in awhile we find something someone lost, but it is unusual. 

 A person could fall off a cliff, and that would mean to find them you would make a difficult hike along the bottom of cliffs. Seems like most of these people are missing for some time before anyone notices, another indication they did not intend to be found. 

Monday, June 26, 2023

Donald Trump Sings "Hotel Magadonia" (Parody of The Eagles' Hotel Califo...

Extreme Danger Hoopleheads please do not attempt to watch this video, it could melt your Trump flag or hat. 

Up to the Mountain to get the commandments

There is really no need for us to hike to the mountain today. Winky gives commandments right here all day. Somehow we have been tasked in life to hike every inch of Arizona, so off we go at five in the morning on a new hike. Our gambit to live in Arizona has worked so far. The weather has been wonderful. While Phoenix cooks we are about ten to fifteen degrees cooler up here in the mountains. Tow hikes this week will be to many, but on Wed we are supposed to go into the Sierra Ancha wilderness for trail work. Today's hike will be on the Fred Haught trail. It is a historical route people used a lot in the old days. 

The Hoopleheads have been quite. Is that good? The Trump flags and other crap is at an all time low. Of course there are still some stray idiots around with the red idiot hats. Traffic in Payson is insane on the weekends. This is a pass through town with a major intersection. Sometimes traffic will backup for miles. If you live here you figure the route around. 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

History of Kadizzle

 What created Kadizzle? More than anything it was coal mining. Coal mining took up a major part of the life of Kadizzle. At about the age of 18 or 19, Kadizzle was employed driving a shuttle car. That is a piece of equipment that hauls coal underground. If you watch the video below it gives a good idea of how room and pillar mining was done at the Shoemaker Mine where Kadizzle started his mining career. From underground Kadizzle graduated to surface mining in North Dakota. the rest is history. Most mines now use a longwall system underground. It is much more efficient and more coal is recovered. 

The Principles of Room & Pillar Mining


On the morning bike ride old Kadizzle came across an older fellow walking along in a field with a cane. Engaging the old guy Kadizzle learned he was 87. The fellow said he walks down the hill and back up every day. Kadizzle was a bit amazed about what good shape he was in for a guy his age. Nevertheless, he was crumbling. Back on the prairie where we used to live you often drove past a building in a field crumbling. Indian sites 600 years old are still there, but they are crumbling. The crumbling is inevitable. How long can you resist gravity? 

Many years ago Kadizzle was a coal miner deep underground. One clear memory from those days was walking out of the mine. At the end of the day  you would trudge toward a small source of light. Walking and walking out the straight tunnel with an upward slant you would watch the small light get larger and larger until it was the opening you walked out into another world. That is life, each of us is walking toward that opening, or maybe closing. Slowly the brain and the body give up. How do you know your brain is surrendering? Our panty is right beside the refrigerator. The other day Winky pointed out to Kadizzle that the milk goes in the refrigerator, not the on the shelf in the pantry. Yesterday Greg said Kadizzle might have CRA, can't remember anything. 

The movie is ending, that is reality. However, we will just go on like the movie never ends. The average age in the country has increased by about five years. Every country is becoming a country of old people. What kind of world will we leave the young people? We squandered everything. We set afire the oil and coal, we filled the air with CO2, and we plowed the Earth into dust, as we evaporated all the water and raped the oceans. Yes, but we had a good time with the exception of a war or famine now and then. Did we learn anything? Nope, now we got Republicans, a unique group that glories in waste, stupidity, and Donald Trump. 

Kadizzle is going to jump off planet Earth at just about the right time. Perhaps science can pull us out of this mess, but to a large degree it was science that got us into this mess. The real curse has been religion, and the religion of Fox News. Both allow you to just make it up and believe it. That never has a good ending. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Putin and his twin Donald Trump

Today Russia had a shake up. Russian people must have been confused. It must have been much like when Trump invaded the Capitol. We are living in strange times. Manipulating idiots has become common in all countries. Tea Party dolts, Hoopleheads, Republicans, and white supremacist are a threat to us all. Trump has shown how weak we are when it comes to resisting lies. Putin knows the art of propaganda and lying. The Russians brag about manipulating American elections. Putin loved our pet dolt, Trump. Who cares?

It appears the Russian thing fizzled just like Trump's insurrection. Maybe next time. 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Chris Christie UNLEASHES on Trump outside event. Hoopleheads, Dingers, cult members and the believers should not watch this

Wow, wow, wow, Chris Christie shoots Trump in the head. If you are a Hooplehead, a Dinger, or a cult member do not watch. It could shatter your illusion.

Once In A While

If I wasn't all you wanted
If I wasn't even close
Only hope that I made you 
Maybe more than once in
If you never felt the
If you only made through 
I only hope that I made you 
Maybe more than once in
If we sleep right through
 the ending
If we slowly fade away
I' ll only wish I had gone that extra mile
Maybe more than once in awhile
I only hope that I made you smile
Maybe more than once in awhile
Maybe more than once in awhile
Maybe more than once in awhle

A lot of Bullsnake

The Kayak had to go back into its spot, so the Kadizzle's headed down the narrow set of steps that lead to the backyard. Things seemed to be going alright when Winky suddleny dropped the kayak with a loud bank. Kadizzle thought she fell. No, she jumped off the steps into the clear. On the steps was a huge snake she thought was a rattler. Nope, it was a bull snake. Kadizzle stepped right over it without noticing. The big snake had markings that made it appear as if it was a rattler. Quickly we realized it was harmless. The snake crawled right into the rock wall along the steps somehow. Winky's heart was pounding. At first sight Kadizzle thought it was a rattler. The country we live in has a lot of snakes. Also we have a lot of mice. Makes sense. Kadizzle has seen the big old bull snake around before. Since we have not seen a rattler close to the house, the bull snake must be keeping them away. Fine, Mr. Bull Snake. With the abundance of mice the big guy is also welcome to eat them all.   

Thursday, June 22, 2023

They have to blast the Trumpster

Everyone and their grandmother is running in the Republican Party. No way any of them can avoid attacking the cult leader. If you want to win against the Trump rat cult you have to attack the head rat, otherwise the the mini rats will vote for the big rat. How do you pry Hoopleheads from Trump? You have to support Trump's fraud, without supporting Trump. How does that work? Cult members will remain loyal, that was proven when Jim Jones gang drank the kool aid. Trump mastered lying with his fake news ploy and the Hooples eat his lies like cocaine. Lying is what Republicans feed on, so to beat Trump another good liar will have to step up. Of course anyone who wants to beat Trump will have to win over the white supremacist, and the other racist. Then you have the evangelicals, a special group of fantasy lovers. Trump is their Jesus. The whole thing will be a tornado in a toilet. Fox News seems to have turned against Trump. With Tucker and the other guys gone or toned downed who will be Trump's cheerleaders. So many of Trump's loyal rats have been burned that even the dumbest among them have awakened. Will the old ticks work? How long can you sell the Hooples the old $19.95 trick? Hooples are loyal to stupidity, and fantasy. One thing for sure the Republicans will invent an array of paranoid nonsense to feed the Hoopleheads. Will the old border game work? What about the abortion gambit? How many stupid women are there? Enough to vote in the man that wants to enslave them? Women could be a key in this whole thing. If young women get stirred up maybe the whole Republican mafia can be destroyed. Young people have the most to lose. Will they get the fire lit?

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Fox news host goes OFF-SCRIPT and TURNS against Trump live on air after ...

Danger Hoopleheads, do not watch. Fox News blows Trump to shreds. What is going on?

John Cleese's Stoning: "Are there any women here today?" | Monty Python:...

Actual footage from last Tea Party Meeting

Republicans and Hoopleheads are driving people from Church

The NYT has a good article about how religion is becoming a thing of the past. People see the hypocrisy of churches. Supporting Trump has driven many from church. It makes sense. No person who studied the Bible for ten minutes would vote for Trump and the greed of the Republicans. Somehow the simple minded figured out how to mix hate, greed, and Trump with the church. Of course this has driven normal people out. You have to believe in fantasy to believe in religion or Trump, that is perfect for Hoopleheads. Churches are destroying themselves, if only the cult of Trump would do the same thing. 

Old People in the high mountains of Arizona

Lugging a chainsaw up a brushy trail cutting trees three and four feet in diameter is not a job for people in their mid seventies, but who else is going to do it? Jim, two Mikes, and Cissie are up in the Sierra Ancha mountains by 8:30 and the game is on. The problem is the wind blows very large pine onto the trail. Someone has to clear the trail. Where are the young people? Our gang is volunteers. One day a week for the summer we have been opening the trails in the high mountains. The area is a rare part of Arizona most people will never see. The bear got to see the sights. Mr. Bear left a huge pile of his previous meals right on the middle of the trail. He must have been a big fellow. 

Jim had Kadizzle thinking a half mile of trail was all we had to do for the day. Later Kadizzle figured what Jim meant was we had to hike a half mile to the start of the logging operation. Big horizontal logs on the ground bind when you cut them and trap the saw. This problem haunted us more than once. 

Small cuts and scratches bloodied us from the thorn bushes, and we looked like we had been in a battle with the blood stains on our clothes. Old people move at a slow pace, but get things done. 

What do the hikers think? When a hiker sees a huge log cut through so he can keep moving does he realize four old goats cut that log? There is no pay. In fact it is our money for the equipment, the gas, and the lunches. Where are the rest of the old goats? When you get old you realize you move, or you quit moving for good. 

A good cold drink of water is so good deep in the forest. Kadizzle froze two bottles of water solid and put them in his pack. It worked fine, but three would have been better. 

Most people think of Arizona as nothing but miserable desert. That is far from the reality. Kadizzle has learned Arizona has vast lush forest, and many areas most people never get to see. On the trail high in the mountains looking to the east the view was stunning. The streams, the water falls, and the ancient sites of the native Americans keep it interesting. 

To get to work we have been using  Jim's old Ford Bronco with over 500,000 miles on it. There has never been a vehicle that could shake and rattle any better. How this thing has held together is a miracle. You can hear the glass in the doors rattle, and every bolt must be half worn through, but it gets us there. For some reason Jim like to drive like a NASCAR racer on the mountain roads. These roads are on the edge of cliffs with drops of a thousand feet. Jim pointed out one curve that had the worst accident in Arizona for a single vehicle. 11 people were killed. If you saw the location you could see it was not place to loose control. Kadizzle had to tell Jim he was scaring the hell out of us. Jim tamed down.  When Kadizzle mentioned Jim's insane driving to his usual helper the other Mike, Mike said " I thought he drove kinda fast".  When the pilot is failing, Kadizzle pointed out, you don't just sit there quietly, you mention to him you are flying into a mountain. 

Kadizzle does not scare easily, but setting speed records on cliff edges does do the trick. 

Since we started hiking in Arizona more than fifteen years ago we have covered hundreds of miles of trails. So much of the work on these trails is done by volunteers. If you want a taste of the work and the wonder get hold of use and we will let you carry a chainsaw for three or four miles in the woods. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Nothing makes sense

Kadizzle noticed that all of a sudden the number of people viewing this blog shot up. Checking a strange thing appeared. 1.5 thousand people in Singapore suddenly are viewers. This makes no sense. More people in Singapore are viewing this blog by a factor of three than Americans.  If you are from Singapore please explain in the comments. Maybe there is some reason the Chinese can get information because the blog is not blocked by the government. Apparently this blog is approved by the filtering devices that the government uses. Maybe it gets a good rating because Trump is exposed. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Sorry about the scary videos.

Posted below are three videos displaying Trump idiots. These people are in our country. For sure there are 71 million idiots. Does that scare you? The actual number of idiots is more than likely higher. A lot of idiots don't vote. About 258 million people could vote in our country. That means there are at least 27% idiots in the country. The number could be higher. The real danger are the Republicans who are just greedy and not the white trash idiots you see in the videos. So throw in maybe 15 or 20% greed dogs and you can see the peril we are in. Trump gets the idiots, the evangelicals, and the greedy free. Keeping out democracy is an uphill battle. Also keep in mind Trump gets the racist, white supremacist, and a bunch of other terrible people free. Trump has to do nothing by lie to get his free votes.  

Trump Voters CRUMBLE When Confronted With Facts

Sorry, but watching the idiots on parade is too hard to resist. More Trump dingers. Trump idiots are amazing. How did they get out of high school, or did they?

MAGA Morons FREEZE When Asked These Basic Questions

Danger, Danger, Hoopleheads, Dingers, Republicans, Pro lifer, Tea Party, don't watch. 

Trump Supporters RAGE Against Religious Freedom

Watch the cult dingers use religion to oppress minorities. 

Hard Core Cult Members

Most of the Hoopleheads have toned back the Trump hats, stickers, and flags. The Hooples will not admit it, but deep down they know it shows they are in the cult. Now, there are some hard core Hooples that still want to fly the Trump flag and make sure everyone knows they have some mental deficiencies. Kadizzle cannot resist going up to a simple minded dinger with a Trump emblazoned t-shirt and asking " What do you think about Trump's crimes?".  Of course you get the usual "fake news", liberal media nonsense. The ones still wearing the military outfit of the liar are so far out in the hinterland you cannot have a rational discussion. Trump is a religion. Common sense, logic, reality, and the truth don't work if you are into religion. You are forced to abandon normal thought. Let Jesus and Trump decide what is true, it is too much for a Hooplehead to tackle.  

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Too lazy to get rich selling strigils

Being a " know it all" is more difficult than many may think. Kadizzle inhales knowledge, much of it useless. In the quest to know everything Kadizzle was studying the history of Roman Baths. The Romans used to have their slaves raked their body with a strigil after they rubbed the body with olive oil. This removed dirt from the pores.  

Kadizzle wondered about this process and decided to try it in the shower. After washing himself he strigiled himself behind the ear and on the neck. Low and behold the strigil had dirt on it. Boing, why not sell silly Americans strigils. 

We all know how fads work. One dinger tells another dinger and the next thing you know everyone has to have a strigil to be in the in crowd. It would take a little work to set up the strigil business, but anything that convinces people they removed dirt from their body is bound to be a hit. If you want to go into the strigil business get hold of Kadizzle, you can do all the work and Kadizzle will explain what to do. Of course Kadizzle will get half the millions we make. We will begin by giving away strigils. It might cost two dollars to make a strigil, we will sell them for six dollars. Figure it out. Remember all the stupid things people buy. 

A classic stupid purchase is an orange bucket. At home depot you pay six dollars for a bucket. Kadizzle has ten identical buckets for free. The buckets Home Depot sells flourish on construction sites as garbage. The painters in our neighborhood buy paint in five gallon buckets. After the paint in the bucket dries it peels off like plastic and you have a sparkling clean bucket. People cannot realize that being poor is just a pile of stupid decisions to waste money. Costco is selling water by the truckload. Every busted flat slummer comes out of Costco with two, three, maybe four cases of bottled water.  Its like you cannot get water for free everywhere. So you just spent twenty bucks for water that comes out of the tap practically free. Guess what if you read the label on the bottled water, you would find it is just filtered city water. Hmm, maybe you could filter your own water at half the cost. Boing, being broke is an art. 

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Trump farts in a jar for local Tea Party.


For a fundraiser Trump has agreed to fart in a jar. The jar with the royal fart will be auctioned off at next Tuesday's Tea Party meeting. Trump feels there should be a minimum bid of $500. All money raised will be used to keep Trump out of jail. Trump claims his farts do not smell, but it is possible he could be selling empty jars. Trump promised he would only do this once. People may come to Payson from miles around to see the jar and it could end up as a real tourist attraction. A certificate of authenticity will be provided for the precious breath of Trump, and it will. be signed by the Trumpster himself. 

Trump and Teaching Sylvie to drive

A time has come. Sylvie is 14 and driving is just around the corner. Old Kadizzle took Sylvie to the rodeo ground parking lot to learn how a car handles. The parking lot is surrounded by large rocks. Here we are and Sylvie is going straight at a large rock. Does she grasp what is happening? No, this is the Trump syndrome. Our country is headed toward a large rock. It just does not register. We could turn away, but it just does not register. We have never hit a large rock before. Do we want to find out what hitting a large rock is like?

Reading Maureen Dowd in the New York Times this morning Kadizzle just kept thinking about ignorance. Republicans and Hoopleheads are just plain ignorant. If they picked up anything of substance they would see the rock that is Trump. Trump has no redeeming grace. His unbridled greed, immorality, and self obsession is all he has. Do his followers want to be just like him? Look at the Hoopleheads with their guns. Another writer in the NYT goes on about Trump's obsession with his boxes of stolen material and other news articles about him. Those boxes are Trump's version of the Hooplehead gun. Hoopleheads have to carry a gun. Trump flew some of his boxes on vacation. The man is simply insane. 

Trump loves to lie, and the Hoopleheads love to believe the lies. The addiction to lies is a major part of the Hooplehead kingdom. Like little children the Hooples love story time. On Sunday the Hooples have story time at church. God is going to save them. On Tuesdays the Hoopleheads have story time at the Tea Party. Scary liberals are after them and Wendy Rogers is going to save them with her super power of lying. Lying is a super power Republicans possess. Hoopleheads are magic dolts that believe the lies. That is how the kingdom of stupidity works. 

Now for a story from Kadizzle. Remember the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz? She had her monkeys. Trump has his the Hoopleheads. To extinguish the Witch you had to pour water on her and she melted. The water we need is factual information. How do you pour facts on the Hooples? You can't.  Hooples only respond to a few basic things, hunger, cold, heat, no gas in their car, being out of beer or cigarettes. Sadly the only way you will reach a Hooplehead is with a depression.  When the Hoople realized he has nothing because the rich stole everything then the Hoople will have to become conscious. It happened during the depression, but for now the TV works, the car has gas and there is vaping to get them by. Can you shoot your way out of poverty. Every Hoople has a gun so we may give it a try. 

Friday, June 16, 2023

The easiest $100 you will ever make

Get up Saturday morning, go to Democratic headquarters on Bonita Street, eat a donut, win $100. Democrats will have the Donuts with Dems meeting on Saturday at ten. There will be a drawing for eligible voters between 18 and 35 for $100. What are the odds you will win. If you come most likely you will win if you meet the age requirement. A young person at the meeting is more rare than snow in July. Everyone is welcome, Republicans, Hoopleheads, Independents, Socialist, Muslims, Hindu, we want you to be our friend and you can get paid for coming. Where else can you eat a donut and get $100?

A reading assignment.

Normal educated people may do what Kadizzle asks, but of course the Hooples will not even consider it. David Brooks wrote an excellent discourse on Donald Trump in the New York Times today. Brooks summarizes the damage the rat named Donald Trump has wreaked upon our country. Should a Hooplehead read the article lightening, would flash through their soggy brain, steam would flash from their ears, and perhaps thought would enter where it never has before. That will not happen, a Hooplehead is dedicated to the cult. Try to convince some simple minded Jehovah's witness they are on a different planet, or try it with a Mormon, it just will not work. They live in a trance they cannot break out of. 

Now for a side note. As Kadizzle drove down the road who did he see? Yes it was the Jesus wagon with the finger disciple driving. In a gesture of hello Kadizzle gave the Jesus wagon the finger, just as he does to us when we protest. So if you see the Jesus wagon roaming about town be sure to greet him with the finger. That is what Jesus would do. Remember the old WWJD, what would Jesus do?

Thursday, June 15, 2023

The wild monkeys have gone

The two little wild monkeys that are our grandchildren departed for home. The calmness, and silence will be enjoyable. It was certainly fun having them here. Asked what they thought was the highlight of the trip they said it was swimming on the highway. Yesterday we went to Lake Roosevelt and the only decent place we could find to swim because of the wind was on the portion of the highway flooded by the high lake level. The kids got to walk down the double line underwater until the water was deep enough to swim. Finally the elk showed up for the kids. The wild monkeys jumped on the bed, and ran about the house screeching. The water balloon fight yesterday was also a hit.  

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Focusing on nothing.

 It was a big deal. A couple of callers to the radio show thought the biggest problem in the United States was Biden flew the LGBTQ flag higher than the U.S. Flag. It was a Fox News false alarm, but the dingers were upset. Otherwise the show went well. Of course the Hooples wanted to be divisive, but the Democrats with kindness prevailed. The show had more callers than KMOG had recalled. It was a good contrast between the hate filled Republicans and the kind loving Democrats. One dinger called in and said Biden was a communist. Bob did a great job of correcting the dinger. The dingers were to be expected. Overall things went well and an arrow was shot into the heart of the hateful ones. 

Today is radio day

Today at 9 Payson time the Democrats will go on the air at KMOG radio. Our goal in the long run is to save the country from the facism of Donald Trump. If you are not in the Trump cult you should be shaking. The Trump mess is destroying the country at an amazing pace. If Trump destroys the court system like he has the rest of the government, the days of our flag and our country are doomed. On the radio we are supposed to talk about the flag. It will not be easy to talk about the flag without talking about the country and what Trump has done to it. Kadizzle fears he may go off the deep end and let the cultist have what they deserve. The cult members haves sold out to their fantasy, and it is going to cost every one of us. 

 If normal people sit idly by and allow Trump to use his lies to destroy the country, normal people will pay dearly. Republicans are selling fascism and the Hooplehead have bought the idea that a dictator is best. A dictator that serves their fantasy of a white United States run by the rich. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Dancing with Grandpa

Radio Day Wednesday

Kadizzle will be on the Dems radio program tomorrow at 9 Payson time. The subject will be reclaiming the flag. Republicans have translated the American Flag into their agenda. The flag represents, and always has, the unity and freedom of the country. The flag does not represent attacking the Capitol, Trump lying, and the oppression of women and minorities. The flag represents honesty, and the smooth transition of power. The flag does not reflect the views of Fox News, The Tea Party, and the white supremacist. Tune into KMOG on the internet tomorrow at 9 to see how it goes.  

Wild Monkeys

The grandchildren are here, Sylvie, Evie, and Quinn. Sylvie is 14, Evie 6 and Quinn 3.  Sylvie went on the Chicken Egg hunt for golf balls yesterday on the ebikes and we had a great time. There was a Chicken egg in a man's driveway and we asked if we could have it. The man gave us about fifteen more golf balls. We had a total of 30 for the hunt. Sylvie had to stop and pet some horses. 

Major Monopoly games have been going on along with hikes. Today we hike to Horton Springs. Having all the noise and jumping monkeys fighting with pillows on the bed makes this a wild house. We have people stacked everywhere. Erin has to stay in the camper to get a sound sleep. The dads did not get to come. Yesterday we went out to the Tonto Arch. 

Grandpa had a great time dancing with Sylvie on the deck. If Grandpa has some time he will post the video. 

Monday, June 12, 2023

The United States is toast

It is over, the country as we have known it is gone. The wealthy have purchased the government and we are now serfs. Trump has shown us there is no government. Republicans are such lickspittles they will destroy the nation to promote the greed of the rich. It is done, over, finished. Trump will get away with his crimes. 

Yesterday was just one more day when Kadizzle spoke to two young people. They are lost in the world of vaping, tatoos, and computer stupidity. The young have left the room. As long as you got your smoke, your vape machine, some gas in your car and a phone who cares. 

Republicans have weaponized stupidity. Attend a Tea Party meeting or any Republican event and see that the Republicans welcome fascism. They don't know what it is, but they are embracing the idea of big daddy Trump. Religion brought on this mess. People have been conditioned to believe in nonsense, popes, kings, and Trumps. The cult mentality has prevailed. You have motorcycle cults, cults of gamers, and of course white supremacist cults. 

Society is now a battle between cults. The wealthy have purchased the lickspittles on every level. Lying has become an industry. Trump has shown the gold mine in lying and Fox News has made billions manipulating idiots. We are toast, done, finished. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Trump and his cult have destroyed the country

Read the article in the NYT about Trump's gang advocating violence. It may be very serious. Kari Lake the Arizona nut case has gone all out on crazy, calling for gun violence to save the rat. As usual Trump will stoke the violence. The Republican nut cases in congress are only adding to the mess.  

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Do you have classified documents in your bathroom?

Without help the Hoopleheads already looked foolish, now that Trump has been found storing classified documents in his bathroom the Hooples look even more foolish. How loud can you shout fake news to make this mess go away for the cult leader. It doesn't matter Trump can do no wrong. One great thing the Hoopleheads have going for them is their ability to stay in the dark. The real news is filled with evidence of just how crooked Trump is, but the Hooples are immune to real news. At the Tea Party they will stay in the dark listening to local liars like Kari Lake and Wendy Rodgers. No Hooplehead could bear to read real news today. Even the most sorrowful idiot can see Trump is a demon, and a scoundrel beyond imagination.  

Friday, June 09, 2023

Old Goats cutting large trees

 Four old goats trudged up the Renolds Creek trail in the Sierra Ancha Mountains carrying a bucksaw, loppers, and trial equipement. Where are the young people? Since the goats were going into the " Wilderness" all the sawing had to be done by hand. This was the classic trail delema. Once you do the first two miles, then then next two miles have to be done. What does this mean? It means you have to carry everything two miles before you start to work. 

The area is very heavily forested and a sight few get to see. Many people don't realize Arizona is a state full of large forest on steep mountains. Bear droppings, and mountain lion poop were on the trail, but we did not get to see the violators. Jim and Mike are members of the Sierra Club and God has inspired them to clear trails. Somehow Winky met them and signed up the Kadizzles. 

The day ended with some tired shot up old people. Jim got some new boots so now he can walk somewhat normal. Kadizzle dipped his hat in the cool stream and then put the wet hat on his head. It felt great. So many Americans never see the real America. There is an entire world that can only be reached on foot, that is a good thing. 

The dingers with four wheel buggies are overrunning the wilderness. It is a battle to keep the lumpers at bay. A lumper will not walk ten feet to pick up a hundred dollars. That is the only thing that save the wilderness. Fortunately vandals are much the same. If they can not do damage within ten feet of their car they leave. There are some rodents that do manage to make a mess in the woods if they can drive into a spot to drink beer. 

One thing that drives Kadizzle wild are the dingers that deface or steal trail signs. 

The Cult and the Rat

The con man has been indicted, but the cult will shout witch hunt and fake news. Anyone who doesn't believe Trump has a cult doesn't know what a cult is. In a cult the leader is like the Pope, infallible. By the way the Pope leads a cult. Cults rely on people so delusional they can't see the truth even if they try. The Mormon cult is the most successful. How do you get millions of people to ignore reality? Wow, Trump has shown you the formula. The rat will wiggle and scream and Fox News will come to his aid. Too bad Tucker is gone, and what about Hannity? Chris Christy is going to go after the rat, but the cult will remain strong. 

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Maybe it was a scam

In a strange twist Kadizzle happened to run into Mary at the Home Depot. Mary is the person taking in Lady Bumore. Kadizzle asked Mary how her court situation was going. Kadizzle had told Mary to plead not guilty.  Apparently someone was trying to scam Mary. When she plead not guilty and asked for a trial the person hung up the phone. The whole thing seemed like a scam. Mary was going to go to the sheriff and see if the whole thing had any validity. 

Winky has convinced Kadizzle to go up in the Sierra Ancha Mountains once more to clear the trails. This is a classic example of government stupidity. Last time we were there last week we used a chainsaw. However, we will go by the magic Wilderness sign today and have to cut huge logs with an old fashioned buck saw. Keeping the wilderness pristine is not a bad idea, but making some intelligent exceptions is a good idea. Today our crew all over 75 years old will be hand sawing logs. The ultimate stupidity is we could cut three times the number of logs across the trail with a chainsaw. 

The area we will be working in is very remote and very few hikers actually use it. 

There will be a big welcome in Hell for Pat Robertson. The crooked preacher died and someone else will have to bilk the old ladies he robbed for years. There are plenty of other crooked preachers raping the ignorant to choose from. Rumor has it Satan will give Pat Robertson the medal of thievery. Trump will get the highest honor Satan can award.

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Nothing Happened

Jim and Jackie spent the night, good to get together with old traveling friends. Kadizzle drank a bottle of wine by himself. Not the brightest move. Just one more nice day. Perhaps work in the dungeon today. The big excitement will be the grandchildren visiting on Friday.  

The next radio show is coming up on KMOG. Three Democrats will present reality to the Hoopleheads. Should be fun. The elk have been out and about, saw ten yesterday around the park. 

The presidential insanity is heating up. God help us if Trump gets his mess going. The Hoople's desperately want fascism. The governor of North Dakota wants to run for president. Borgum is a hopeless Trump lickspittle, and supports any right wing insanity as needed to kiss up to the Hooples. 

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Were not in Kansas anymore

Yesterday the Kadizzles spoke with a couple moving to Kansas. It will be a different world for them. They want to crumble near old friends and relatives. More than likely the Kadizzles will crumble right here in Payson. Payson is not Hazne, North Dakota, and that is probably a good thing. The prairie was visually boring, and so were a lot of the people. Watching the crops grow could be pretty boring. Payson has a lot going on, and of course there are the Hoopleheads to conquer. 

A great pleasure in our new home is just sitting on the deck looking at the expansive view of mountains and trees. The old deck back in the homeland only had a view of Winky's wonderful garden. Politics in Hazen was about as boring as a trip to the funeral home. In Payson you have a constant parade of Hooples trying to show how simple minded they are with MAGA hats, and Hoople flags. 

Things change quickly here. In a short distance the terrain changes. Back on the prairie you had to drive for hours to see a tree or a hill. Then there is the wildlife. You can't beat the elk in the yard here along with coyotes wandering by. Add to that all the soaring birds, and you have a lot of nature including an occasional rattlesnake. 

The people here are friendly and there are plenty of events including music in the park every Saturday, and an excellent farmers market. Hazen's main event was watching the street lights come on. 

Hazen was a very clean town compared to Payson. Payson has some very nice areas, but also some rat infested slum parks. Slummers thrive in a warm climate. In Hazen they always said the winters keep the bums out. That is for sure true. North Dakota is a well kept clean state compared to the social security encampments in Arizona. For mass stupidity the two states compete. Both North Dakota and Arizona have an abundance of church and MAGA dingers. 

Biden is too damn old

The fascist might win, and the Democrats can blame themselves. Biden is too damn old. Kadizzle is 74 and the brain cobwebs are already growing. Young people are the key to defeating the Republican fascist. A young opponent to the old con man Trump is what we need. The young know old people slow down and our brains are feeble. Mildred where did I put the code for a nuclear war? Old people are out of touch. Face it us old goats just don't keep up with the latest. An old goat president is the last thing we need. Trump is worse than an old goat. Trump is a nasty old con man. Do we need that? The Hooples are full of hate and stupidity, and Trump pumps it for them. A young Democrat could represent a bright future. An old goat is not a bright future. 

Monday, June 05, 2023

Lets set traps for the poor.

Kadizzle headed down below the sewage plant to give Bumore her dividend check. Bumore is in the syndicate, so she is entitled to a dividend. Kadizzle could have given her twenty, but ten seemed more sensible. A bum is likely to spend ten more wisely than twenty. Kadizzle can give Bumore the other ten later. 

Now for some strange, maybe good news. Another woman in desperation happened to be stopped and helping Bumore. Mary lives way out past the middle of nowhere by herself. Kadizzle once rode the ebike out there, cut never met Mary. Mary has offered to let Bumore live on the ranch, which will be a great victory for Jeeesus. 

To the main subject. Bumore and Mary both have legal problems. Kadizzle just discovered the bizarre mess Mary has. Mary did absolutely nothing wrong, but she was summoned to jury duty. Mary never got the summons because she live in an inaccessible place. Now the court is after her for failing to appear. Bumore has lost her only means of transportation in another one of these traps for the poor. Our legal system seems to punish people for being poor. It is a modern version of debtors prison. How can you pay you debt when you are in prison. Between a strange court system, and law enforcement our society is creating homelessness, and poverty. They want Mary to post a bond to appear. Where in the hell would Mary run off to?

European countries realize that without an address, a phone, and access to transportation people are screwed. In the land of the MAGA we just cannot understand that if you give the bums some basics maybe they can claw their way out. On the other hand if you take what little they have what good does that do?

They just can't figure out what is going on

How many people devoid of intelligence are there? The casino tells the entire story. Any day you can walk into the dark cavern and see the delusional giving away their money. The delusion is the key. The product is false hope. False hope kills. Years ago Kadizzle was a municipal judge. A nice woman was his clerk. The nice woman got the casino delusion. The delusion is you can win. So the nice woman borrowed some money from the court and from the city where she was in a position to borrow. Of course her plan was to borrow the money from the city and the court and then pay it back after she won at the casino. One minor problem, she didn't win, nobody does.

What was the solution? Drive the car into the garage, keep it running close the garage door. Problem solved. One dead court clerk, and a city a little short of funds. Delusions are deadly. Hitler sold a delusion, and the Republicans are selling one today. The Republican delusion is like so many in history. Give the rich lots of money and you will prosper. It did not work with pyramids, cathedrals, or any of the great government scams where the poor gave everything to the rich. Slavery was the most blatant example of the casino scam. You do the work, raise the crop, then let some conniving bastard take the money. Trump is the current representative for the rich to help them rape the poor. The casino and the church are marvelous machines that exploit the delusional. Both sell false hope and both cause massive poverty. 

Trump and his gang will again bring the brain challenged out in the open to demand we ruin the country with fascism. Just like the church the Republicans will lie, sell false hope, tell made up stories, and the Hooples will dance like their undies are on fire. Welcome to Amarika where we have 71 million certified idiots that voted for Trump and many others waiting for lobotomies. 

Do fish ever figure out their is a hook in the worm? Nope, the fish just figure that other fish that just went up and out of the water went to heaven. 

Sunday, June 04, 2023

Come out of the closet

My oldest daughter went to a wonderful school in Minnesota, Carlton. She graduated and has a wonderful career. Carlton had a closet on stage for freshmen. If you wanted to come out of the closet, no problem. Well, Payson needs a closet for the Democrats to come out of. Too many Democrats are shy and don't want to offend the Hoopleheads. The country is under attack by the Hoopleheads trying to set up fascism, time to come out of the closet. If you want the Nazi's and the Klan to win, stay in the closet. When you do come out they will kill you. 


Yesterday was a nice Democratic picnic. However, it had a few weird moments. A Republican Hooplehead drove by an yelled some nasty remarks at my friend. My friend is a prominent provocateur of the liberal ideas in town. He is not mean or nasty, but the Republicans seem to feel free to carry guns, give you the finger, and act like the Klan. The difference is real, and obvious. Republicans thrive on hate. They hate LGBT. They hate XYZ, Anything that is not them, they hate. They thrive on fear. Democrats want to take care of the poor, Republicans want to starve them, including children. Democrats know the real problem is the greedy rich, Republicans think it is the welfare cheats. Republican live in the world of delusion and conspiracy. 

Back when Kadizzle protested with Emil Kashuntz the nasty Republicans showed their colors. They could drive by and shout obscenities, but they did not have the courage to stop and talk. Gary Morris, and Michael Heather are the classic Republicans. After they lie they hide, and refuse to be confronted about their lying. Trump showed them the way. 

Saturday, June 03, 2023

Update on Bumore

Things are looking up a little down in the forest where Lady Bumore resides. Two gay fellows have befriended her. The gay guys had a campfire near her abode and they cooked a bunch of meat on the fire. Bumore has a dog that give the impression it would bite you, but actually it is a very nice dog, and the perfect dog for a bum. The dog tries to follow Kadizzle every time he leaves. Bumore said the dog is fed up with the homeless life. Bumore has manage to get some better public assistance, and the gay fellows gave her a try out taking care of one of the gay guys mother. 

Now a days you contact a person with a cell phone, not Bumore. Kadizzle rides the bike down into the forest and gives a secret whistle. From the woods Bumore emerges with her dog. Bumore claims she has a high IQ. Kadizzle has pointed out that if here IQ was high she would not be living under a fallen tree. However, she does seem to have a good grasp of history and general knowledge with a decent vocabulary.                   

Kadizzle gave Bumore an MRE to eat. Bumore said she enjoyed it. What is an MRE? The military has Meals Ready to Eat. These are pre packed meals that will last for five years or more. The meals even have a little chemical heater. Millions of these meals go to waste and could be used to feed people. Of course tax payers get taken on everything military. 

The Democratic Picnic is today

There will be a gathering of normal people unafraid to face realty today. The Hoopleheads gather in the dark at the Tea Party, but the Democrats will be in the daylight. Perhaps Kadizzle is over optimistic, but it seems more Democrats are coming out of the closet. In Payson, Arizona being a Democrat is like being gay. The Hoopleheads take such pride in their stupidity and the intelligent people don't want to wake them up. 

The country is marching toward fascism and if Trump re emerges our country is done. The Hooples have no clue about what fascism is and they love the idea of a strong idiotic dictator. Always remember it is the Hooples that believe the fake wrestling is real. Trump was a great fan of fake wrestling. NASCAR, fake wrestling, and all that right wing manliness turns on the Hooples. Of course education and reading does not appeal. What a Hooplehead loves is a good conspiracy theory featuring Hunter Biden's laptop. Now, attacking the FBI has become popular and our local little Rush has a personal stake in the game. On KMOG radio Charlie fires up his listeners with tales about how his son is an FBI whistleblower. Of course Charlie leaves a lot out of the story, that is one think Tucker taught him. A good way to tell a right wing story is to leave out important details. 

Friday, June 02, 2023

Another Day Older and What do you get?

Kadizzle did a good deed yesterday. With two members of the Seaira Club, Winky and Kadizzle hiked into the Seaira Anca Mountains. Kadizzle carried the chain saw for miles up the mountain.  Kadizzle cut the largest log he has ever cut so to clear the trail. The log must have been over four feet in diameter. Little did Kadizzle realize when cut the log would roll toward him. With his already sore leg he ran from the log successfully. 

Four old people working hard to clear the trail for others to use. Kadizzle could make a rock political so please don't mind. One thing Kadizzle has noticed in years of hiking and clearing trails, Republicans do not do the outdoors like Democrats. Democrats pick up trash, hike, and clear trails. Republicans drive insane large campers and pay to stay in expensive campgrounds. Now of course this is a generalization, but in all the years we have been outdoor people Kadizzle has found the people back in the deep woods are generally liberal and Democrats. Now to be honest there is an exception, Ranchers, and loggers tend toward the Trump cult and they are in the woods. If you are paid to be in the forest you might be a Republican. A lot of confused young fire fighters that never went to college get the Trump infection. 

This whole discussion reminds Kadizzle of going to Big Bend Texas many years ago.  All the birders, and nature enthusiast camped in one isolated nice spot in small campers. The huge diesel pusher expensive motor home group stayed in the zippity do da campground. 

The country is polarized. Republicans are all for destroying the planet, the streams, the air, and every once of wilderness. Don't forget their assault on the national parks. The Republicans have starved the agencies that take care of the wilderness. 

Thursday, June 01, 2023

Tony Bender can shoot a Hooplehead out of the saddle at 100 yards

Kadizzle spent the majority of his life in North Dakota. North Dakota has a Hooplehead infestation every bit as bad as Arizona. The Hooples love burning books, and making up scary stories. It is exactly the same game the Hooples play in Arizona. Tony Bender writes for the Fargo Forum. You can get to his column on the google. 

Bender knows how to fire a stinger, and he is one of the best political writers going. Read his column today. If you are a North Dakota prisoner you will enjoy it. That means you Honest Omar. 

This could be the round where the fascist take over. The Hooples love Jesus, Reagan, Trump, and a good dictator. Now that Jesus and Trump have become allies the game is damn near sealed. 

So the game plan today is to do some serious hiking in the Sierra Ancha mountains. Sore from three wrecks on the motorcycle and bicycle the legs may not do it. 

Something strange has been happening on this blog. On a normal day maybe 150 people look at this mess. Lately the number has been jumping clear up to 400. The question is why. If you know let Kadizzle know. Will have to check, maybe a lot of Russians came back.

Well Kadizzle checked. 68 Russians, but surprised to find 5 people from Ethiopia, Now that takes the cake. Anyone could stumble across this nonsense by accident, but if you are in Ethiopia and reading this please comment. You will be awarded with a prize of your choice, maybe a free Hooplehead hat that say Make America Stupid Again.