Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Who started the Range War?

The local Republicans are meaner, and dumber than bricks. If you are one of the Republican spies reading this forgive me. Awhile back the Republicans got their undies in a bundle because old Kadizzle jokingly said it was " time for a range war'. 

Anyone who watches the real news, not the fake news knows it is the Trump gang that is violent. Here is the story. Old Emil Kashunzte was down on the highway with Mary Kashuntz. Both were protesting by hold signs that suggest Trump be jailed. Some strange deranged Republican woman came by in a yellow jeep and started yelling profanities with a bull horn. Then the lady parked and came up to Mary's face shouting and acting obnoxious. The incident was investigated by the police, and it appears a restraining order will be filed against Mrs, Yellow Jeep. 

Emil had his little incident also. Some teenagers were observing him from across the street when one decided to come over to Emil and confront  him.  The teen said he loved Trump, and what was the problem. Emil just politely said Trump subverted our government. Emil told the teen if he wanted to love Trump that was fine. Apparently someone was watching the teen and yelled at the teen from across the street " Get the hell away from that man".  Nice to know there are strangers who will protect Emil. 

The poor old Trumpers had the bad news the FBI searched the big bumble bee's nest. The evidence speaks for itself, who is violent. 

The Payson paper features an entire page of letters to the editor each week. Kadizzle has been a regular contributor. Reading the letters you can see the distinct difference between the educated, and the uneducated.  Some good letters from the left appeared today. Of course there was a gun advocate with the usual simple minded tome of " a good guy with a gun".

Back to the protest. Watching the vile expressions of the Trumpers is amusing. Almost forgot the big news that one car drove by and a person stuck their naked rear end out the window at Emil. This is your Republican Party of 2022. Nothing show their ability to communicate better than a full moon shining from a truck with Trump stickers. 

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