Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Thank the loyal readers

 It is nice to know the electrons sent out into the universe are going somewhere. No organ is stranger than the human brain. Kadizzle has struggled to understand his own brain for an entire lifetime. At night while Kadizzle sleeps this damn brain keeps going to produce the most unusual dreams. Never does it fail for Kadizzle to wake up in the middle of the night and puzzle how is this brain just inventing crazy stories. Maybe in the morning the crazy rantings have something to do with the dreams. The brain does solve problems while you sleep. 

At any rate thanks to the people who enjoy this conglomeration of the alphabet. My oldest daughter is a supreme writer. She does it for a living. One hope is someday the snoocher bear will go back and read all this stuff and make some sort of family history. 

Now for a brief history of Kadizzle writing. Kadizzle hated English teachers. If you read this blog you can see Kadizzle never mastered grammer, punctuation, and other aspects of writing. All that stuff never made much sense.  Why can't you just write what you want, why mess with all those silly rules?

Kadizzle had two strange English teachers. First there was Miss Ball. She was nuts, actually nuts. She famously acted like she was cutting the grass between the rows of desk. Once in awhile Miss Ball would tell a student to go out of the room and get water for one of her porcelain dogs on her desk.  She was so old she had taught my mother and all my siblings. Kadizzle could right many stories about old Miss Ball. 

Then there was Betty Meek, she was a mean woman who hated men. Miss Meek according to my mother was stood up on her wedding day. The man who abandoned her made a brilliant move. However, he created a nightmare for many poor highschool boys.  Meek lived next to my grandfather.  My grandfather had a pool table in his attic. Kadizzle will never forget the day Charlie Jones threw a pool ball out the window at Meek.  If it had hit her head it would have killed her. There are a couple good stories on the revenge reeked on Miss Meek. 

Anyway the English teachers would do somersaults in their graves if they knew how many stories and articles Kadizzle has written. When Kadizzle got to college a more enlightened English teacher gave an assignment. The professor said to just write something everyday.  The professor did not require it to be true or grammatically correct.  Kadizzle often just made stuff up.  Low and behold Kadizzle got his first A in an English class in his life.  The rest is poorly written history. 

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