Sunday, August 21, 2022

Praise the Payson Police

 Apparently the local Trump cultist give copies of this blog to the Payson Police. Take them this one Trumpers. The Payson Police are very professional and encounters with them are always nice. They do their job, and they do it well. Abusing them should not happen, but that does not stop the Trump cult from lying and concocting stories. Among other qualities the Payson Police Department is patient. They have to be to put up with the local insanity. This may include people on both sides of the Trump evil. Hats off to men doing a good job. 

On another topic, the tide may be shifting. There has been an uptick on the good side of the world. More people are stopping to thank us. One incident yesterday just about blew Kadizzle away. Kadizzle knows a nice older fellow, who has a grumpy side. In fact he can be very grumpy. One would assume he was a Trumpist. Well the old fellow pulled up in his pickup truck near where we were holding protest signs. He gave the thumbs up. Kadizzle just could not understand. Kadizzle had it firmly in his head this man would be a Trump guy. Confused Kadizzle went over to the man and asked why he had his thumb up. He said he liked what we were doing and Trump should be hung. Then the new enthusiast stayed and watched the reaction of the cars going by for about thirty minutes. He got to see the middle fingers and the good people with thumbs up. As we left Emil had a brief conversation with him. Our new supporter said he was staying there to protect us. Good people can show up unexpectedly. Of course so can the bad ones. 

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