Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Let's get away from gardening

The dear wife lobbied for moving to Payson by saying " I am tired of yard work".  The idea was you cannot do yard work in the rocky land of the Arizona mountains. Wrong, wrong, wrong, we have moved rocks, big rocks, little rocks, and we have searched for special rocks. Incidentally rocks are heavy. 

The most frustrating thing the little gardener came up with was transplanting desert plants from the forest to our yard. The roots of desert plants go deep and Satan's roof leaks where we pulled them out. The real beauty of the adventure was 75% of them died. Add to this the plants Winkie has purchased. That meant an investment in a sprinkler system. Wait it gets better.  Planting more plants after the drip irrigation was installed means those plants have to be watered by hand. 

Where does this leave us?  We now have yard work, but we cannot eat the results like we could in North Dakota. Genius. 

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