Sunday, August 21, 2022

Playing into their hands

 Kadizzle has thought a lot about making this blog private because of the danger the Trump Cult represents. However, the Trump cult should not be able to operate as Trump himself does by intimidating people. Intimidation is a key to the Trump cult. Yesterday while protesting a woman with a gun approached one protestor holding a " Jail Trump" sign. 

Earlier in the day Kadizzle approached the Tea Party float that was going to be in the parade. There was a gaggle of the cult members. One cult member asked for Kadizzle's name. Kadizzle gave his name and asked the cult member to cease harassing the Kadizzle family with law enforcement. The cultist denied it. Kadizzle offered the man $100 to go to the police station and see the false report. Nope, then Kadizzle offered any of the cult $500 to see the truth. Nope, the cult leader then told Kadizzle he would call 911 if Kadizzle did not leave. Kadizzle left and the police later came by .  Not sure if the man faked the call or not. 

The Tea Party has on their web site " show up and speak up". Kadizzle asked if he could come to their meeting and speak. Nope, only if you tell them a good fantasy or Trump lie. 

Emil Kashuntz was down on the main highway through town protesting yesterday. It was an eventful day. Several people stopped. Most to congratulate the effort. Kadizzle had a group discussion going with one Trumper and two normal people. A teacher showed up to thank us for the effort. This happened while Kadizzle was talking to the Trumper. Then some rednecks stopped to hurl insults. Two angry cultist came over to our discussion and said some stupid things. Most Trumpers ask "What did Trump do illegal".  When Kadizzle told one of the dolts he took 25 million with his fake college, the Trumper said " Well he gave it back".  These people don't have an once of brains or logic. 

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