Wednesday, August 24, 2022

81 Year Old Lady wants to protest

 Down by the lake a group of flaming liberals meets almost every night. The other night Kadizzle put up a white board sign that read " Secret Society meeting 6:00.  It was fun to see peoples reaction as they walked by.  At the last meeting of the secret society it was announced an 81 year old woman wants to join the highway protest. Not sure how old our current woman protestor is, but Kadizzle is 73, and Emil is 80. The addition of an 81 year old will put us well over two hundred years total life experience.  Where are the young?  

A lot of people are intimidated by the rednecks. That is not the American way. Trump specializes in intimidation, and his minions in Payson follow his lead. The people driving by with anger on their face and a middle finger out the window are not Democrats. Make it simple. Stupid people are frustrated. Something is wrong, they know it, but cannot figure it out. Fox News gives them a simple explanation. They buy it. 

Kadizzle was watching PBS the other day. There is an excellent local information show that comes on before The News Hour.  On that show a professor reviewed his book on education. The author went to 80 countries of the world to benchmark education.  A universal test showed the United States now ranks 25th in the world for quality of learning. Guess what country is most successful? China is number one.  We have a problem, and the Republicans are trying to make it worse.  Kadizzle has a teaching degree.  Could not raise a family on the salary of a teacher in the United States.  Teaching is hard. Kadizzle tried substitute teaching after he retired to find out first hand how much effort teaching is. Kadizzle can assure you it is more work than he did in his career as a Safety Director for major employers. Teachers get no rest.  

Our country is in a crises. Read about it in today's New York Times. Not only has our education system failed, but democracy itself has just about disappeared in our country.  One man has worked hard to kill our democracy, no lets restate that, one man has golfed hard to kill our country. That orange rat will ruin the future for us all. You owe it to your progeny to fight the rat to the end. One thing Emil Kashunts, and Kadizzle agree on is we will not look back and say we did nothing in the war against stupidity. 

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