Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Staggering Bill

 The food was certainly special, but the price was staggering. The tribe had a unique meal in a yurt. The pandemic forced some restaurants to find a way to server people in an isolated setting, so our eating place had a yurt leftover from the big scare. It was a nice setting for the extended family to have a meal. 

The business existed as part of dozens of businesses in an old aircraft manufacturing plant. The plant was once on the edge of the old Stapleton Airport. Hundreds and hundreds of acres, probably square miles have been transformed into urban development. A blank slate was created when the airport left. A new community with many wonderful amenities has risen in place of the old airport. When people can plan uninhibited the results can be stunning. 

Only one thing was saved from the old airport. The control tower is just a couple hundred yards from the daughters house and is now a unique bar, restaurant, and entertainment center.   Finder her house is always easy because you can see the old control tower from miles away. Her home would be in the parking lot in front of the airport. 

Monday, August 29, 2022

The Americans

 The Kadizzles became addicted to a show on Netflix called the Americans. Highly recommend the show. The intrigue featured Russian plants in D.C. that did a lot of espionage. The plants had cover as an American Family. What about the Russians involved with Trump. The fact that Russians have visited the place where Trump hides the stolen documents should have people worried. A Russian woman is known to have visited the Trump compound five times. Do you think something has gone on? Imagine a staff member that is there as a plant.  Trump should be in jail. 

Nine People

County everyone the total comes to nine. Kadizzle is one of nine children. Recently a sister passed away leaving a total of five. Looking about with nine people in one house reminds Kadizzle of a chaotic childhood. Cars were crowed and moving the tribe required the logistics of an army. It was a long time before anyone had their own bedroom. Sharing bikes, clothes, cars, food, or anything was essential. Kadizzle married a woman who was just one of two. She has no comprehension of living with a crowd since childhood. Strangely of the nine no one had more than two. We must have learned something. 

Lets review, all but one of the nine achieved a college degree. Two sisters became lawyers, one brother was a landscape architect, and the other a successful contractor. Oldest sister attended MIT and has a PHD in philosophy. As a group we have covered just about the entire world. The extended family is polluted with lawyers. All the uncles on my mothers side were lawyers along with my grandfather. Grandfather was elected mayor, and Kadizzle judge for many years. One uncle was assistant attorney general in West Virginia. Grandpa argued before the supreme court, and Uncle Jack was one of the first attorneys to take on the tobacco industry. At times members of the family were in New Zealand, Guam, Portland, Boston, Chicago, Denver, New York, Pittsburgh, and who knows where else. 

In the new generation Cheech has become a fashion designer, Erin represented countries, states, and large public entities, Kevin took over the contracting business of older brother, Fran did research for Microsoft, and Sam works with computer start ups. Somewhere in this group there is expertise for just about anything. 

One nice thing about a vast army of relatives is the ability to contact someone just about anywhere in the country. However, the stronghold is still around West Virginia, and that part of the east. 

Now the oldest is about 81, and the youngest a little over two. Going backwards the family originated in Pennsylvania, and we like to claim Ireland, but it is all hypothetical. On the mother's side the family tree goes back a long way into colonial times. On the father side it was immigrants from Europe. Germany, Ireland, and England seem to be the main heritage. Claiming to be Irish is the most fun. 

Since Kadizzle married a Jewish woman, the extended family now has a Jewish strain which has enriched the culture. Generally most of the family has not got tied closely to any religious group, which is a blessing. 

There have been some strains of crazy, and also of genius, but that is to be expected. Kadizzle likes to think there is a thin line between genius and crazy and a lot of us wander back and forth across the line. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Wild jumping Monkeys

The tribe has gathered and the little grandchildren are having fun throwing the ball for the dog. Teenager is still asleep. What to do today in the big city? Eating out seems to be unavoidable. Not a good plan for a fat guy. 

Having the children scattered across the country has pros and cons. It is nice to travel to anther place and see another part of the country, but it also takes some doing. Weather in Denver is similar to Payson. The altitude is about the same. 

Adjusting to the thievery of the big city will be a new leaf. Kadizzle is going to learn his lesson with valuable items. The alarm will be used. Kadizzle has a neat little alarm that will squeal loudly if something is moved. Hopefully it might deter the sneak thieves. 

Perhaps Kadizzle has commented on this before, but so what. The design of my daughters neighborhood is unique. There is no street in front of the houses. This is a great idea. What norally would be a street is a grass lawn with a sidewalk on each side. It is perfect for socializing and for the kids to play. Yesterday the old man Kadizzle played woffle ball with the kids. Everyday someone is out there playing with the dogs or enjoying the sandbox. One thing they did as the muse runs through the blocks is put a little feature every so often. The landscaping is well done also. The houses have small  yards, but the common space more than makes up for it. Each house has a private patio which people seem to compete to see who can make the nicest one. 

Saturday, August 27, 2022

The pigs on State Farm stink

 If you have been keeping up with the ebike theft story, here is some more information. State Farm is our insurance company. If you have them cancel as fast as you can. The ebikes we had stolen were worth well over six thousand dollars. Our home owners policy said we had a $3,500 deductible. Now that is bad enough and partially our own fault. Maybe you got once of those lengthy insurance policies and did not read every little inch of it.  Well the State Farm weasels say there is some magic in the policy that they will only pay us one thousand dollars no matter what. So we will be out easily two to three thousand dollars. Somehow they came up with some mobo jumbo that ebikes are motor vehicles if they go over 20 mph. Ours cut out at 20mph. For the clincher the State farm weasels come how say our bikes are covered, but only up to $1,000. Insurance is legal fraud. The whole thing reminds Kadizzle when our roof was hit by a hail storm. The insurance company tried to say only the front half of the roof was hit. We fought them into submission, but it was a battle. So now we are going to cancel the mafia insurance and find a different mafia. The insurance company if they were up front should have paid between two and three thousand dollars, but some CEO is putting his kids through an Ivy League school and we are glad to help. Also with the price of fuel going up the yacht is more expensive to run. 

Boom, she turned into a teenager

 Here we are in Denver with our teenage granddaughter. She exploded into a tall teenager. Grandpa just cannot get used to a 5 foot five teen that used to be the little kid. Tall and pretty and boys are on her radar. Her parents are in for it. She is off this morning to a fund raiser for school. 

On the way to Denver we stopped at a museum at the Ghost Ranch. A nice young guy was sitting there looking despondent. Kadizzle asked him what he was doing to fight Trump. The young guy said Trump had depressed him for two years. He launched into a very eloquent speech about the state of the nation. His talk was very impressive. Kadizzle told him he would make a great speaker. 

Kadizzle makes it a point to engage people in the fight, but Mrs Kadizzle gets very angry when Kadizzle tries to stir up the battle. On trick the Trump disaster brings on is the phone trick. When Kadizzle is bored sitting waiting for the Mrs. he pretends he is talking on the phone. When a person walks by loudly he speaks Trump insults into the phone. Desperate waiting for Mrs. to get out of the IKEA store Kadizzle sat spreading the propaganda. 

At the Costco in Arizona Kadizzle saw a redneck guy passing by with a Trump oriented shirt. Loudly Kadizzle said to Winky " I hope they jail Trump".  The dinger could not take it an said " What about Hunter Biden's laptop?".  That is the answer to all world questions. 

Kadizzle just cannot get over the stolen ebikes. The homeowners policy it turns our has a $3500 dollar deductible, so it means we will be out at least that much. Cannot live without an ebike. May have to buy one before we leave Denver. 

Friday, August 26, 2022

I am a Christian, so I vote for Trump

The simple minded are everywhere. The hostess is a Christian and she votes for the crotch grabber, but she did not notice Trump stole 25 million from students with  his fake college. Ignorance runs rampant. 

Today we make it to Denver. Looking for a hotel yesterday we stopped at a Days Inn. The place left a lingering stench on Kadizzle's clothes, and in his nose. We did not stay there, but how could anyone. Don't the owners notice. After previewing a room we got in the truck and left. 

Still reeling from the theft of our bikes. The insurance we found out is over three thousand dollars deductible. Loved my ebike. 

Our friends just got ripped off by insurance. They had some kind of car warranty insurance on their truck. They paid 90 a month to cover the truck.  Well the truck broke down and the insurance was worthless. It is sad to see older people get taken. Insurance companies are thieves. Insurance operates exactly like a casino. The odds favor the insurance company. The best insurance advice ever is don't over insure. Only insure a loss you cannot live with. 

Self insurance is the way to go. How do you do that? Instead of paying an insurance company every month put the money in an account for the disaster. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

They stole our ebikes

 Kadizzle and the Mrs. stayed in Santa Fe last night. Had the bikes cabled to the truck. The truck was backed up almost to the window of the room where we slept. The bikes were about eight feet from the bed, but that did not stop the sneak thieves with bolt cutters. The two bikes were worth at least six thousand dollars.  Maybe more of the story in the morning. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

81 Year Old Lady wants to protest

 Down by the lake a group of flaming liberals meets almost every night. The other night Kadizzle put up a white board sign that read " Secret Society meeting 6:00.  It was fun to see peoples reaction as they walked by.  At the last meeting of the secret society it was announced an 81 year old woman wants to join the highway protest. Not sure how old our current woman protestor is, but Kadizzle is 73, and Emil is 80. The addition of an 81 year old will put us well over two hundred years total life experience.  Where are the young?  

A lot of people are intimidated by the rednecks. That is not the American way. Trump specializes in intimidation, and his minions in Payson follow his lead. The people driving by with anger on their face and a middle finger out the window are not Democrats. Make it simple. Stupid people are frustrated. Something is wrong, they know it, but cannot figure it out. Fox News gives them a simple explanation. They buy it. 

Kadizzle was watching PBS the other day. There is an excellent local information show that comes on before The News Hour.  On that show a professor reviewed his book on education. The author went to 80 countries of the world to benchmark education.  A universal test showed the United States now ranks 25th in the world for quality of learning. Guess what country is most successful? China is number one.  We have a problem, and the Republicans are trying to make it worse.  Kadizzle has a teaching degree.  Could not raise a family on the salary of a teacher in the United States.  Teaching is hard. Kadizzle tried substitute teaching after he retired to find out first hand how much effort teaching is. Kadizzle can assure you it is more work than he did in his career as a Safety Director for major employers. Teachers get no rest.  

Our country is in a crises. Read about it in today's New York Times. Not only has our education system failed, but democracy itself has just about disappeared in our country.  One man has worked hard to kill our democracy, no lets restate that, one man has golfed hard to kill our country. That orange rat will ruin the future for us all. You owe it to your progeny to fight the rat to the end. One thing Emil Kashunts, and Kadizzle agree on is we will not look back and say we did nothing in the war against stupidity. 

Let's get away from gardening

The dear wife lobbied for moving to Payson by saying " I am tired of yard work".  The idea was you cannot do yard work in the rocky land of the Arizona mountains. Wrong, wrong, wrong, we have moved rocks, big rocks, little rocks, and we have searched for special rocks. Incidentally rocks are heavy. 

The most frustrating thing the little gardener came up with was transplanting desert plants from the forest to our yard. The roots of desert plants go deep and Satan's roof leaks where we pulled them out. The real beauty of the adventure was 75% of them died. Add to this the plants Winkie has purchased. That meant an investment in a sprinkler system. Wait it gets better.  Planting more plants after the drip irrigation was installed means those plants have to be watered by hand. 

Where does this leave us?  We now have yard work, but we cannot eat the results like we could in North Dakota. Genius. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Thank the loyal readers

 It is nice to know the electrons sent out into the universe are going somewhere. No organ is stranger than the human brain. Kadizzle has struggled to understand his own brain for an entire lifetime. At night while Kadizzle sleeps this damn brain keeps going to produce the most unusual dreams. Never does it fail for Kadizzle to wake up in the middle of the night and puzzle how is this brain just inventing crazy stories. Maybe in the morning the crazy rantings have something to do with the dreams. The brain does solve problems while you sleep. 

At any rate thanks to the people who enjoy this conglomeration of the alphabet. My oldest daughter is a supreme writer. She does it for a living. One hope is someday the snoocher bear will go back and read all this stuff and make some sort of family history. 

Now for a brief history of Kadizzle writing. Kadizzle hated English teachers. If you read this blog you can see Kadizzle never mastered grammer, punctuation, and other aspects of writing. All that stuff never made much sense.  Why can't you just write what you want, why mess with all those silly rules?

Kadizzle had two strange English teachers. First there was Miss Ball. She was nuts, actually nuts. She famously acted like she was cutting the grass between the rows of desk. Once in awhile Miss Ball would tell a student to go out of the room and get water for one of her porcelain dogs on her desk.  She was so old she had taught my mother and all my siblings. Kadizzle could right many stories about old Miss Ball. 

Then there was Betty Meek, she was a mean woman who hated men. Miss Meek according to my mother was stood up on her wedding day. The man who abandoned her made a brilliant move. However, he created a nightmare for many poor highschool boys.  Meek lived next to my grandfather.  My grandfather had a pool table in his attic. Kadizzle will never forget the day Charlie Jones threw a pool ball out the window at Meek.  If it had hit her head it would have killed her. There are a couple good stories on the revenge reeked on Miss Meek. 

Anyway the English teachers would do somersaults in their graves if they knew how many stories and articles Kadizzle has written. When Kadizzle got to college a more enlightened English teacher gave an assignment. The professor said to just write something everyday.  The professor did not require it to be true or grammatically correct.  Kadizzle often just made stuff up.  Low and behold Kadizzle got his first A in an English class in his life.  The rest is poorly written history. 

Kissed by an Angel

 Well not really an angel, it was an elk.  Emil told the gathering at the lake last night an elk bull licked him on the face. It was one of the giants. The Payson elk have become tame. Emil speculates the elk have been fed and are used to humans. 

Kadizzle had his picture taken with Granny Jehovah yesterday. Granny and her daughter sit patiently under the tree down at the park hoping to save another soul. Kadizzle has conversations with the Jehovah's Witness gang just about every day. Kadizzle is not a fan of religion, but the Witness gang is one of the best he has encountered. They do not push their brand, don't vote, and don't collect money. It would be nice if they voted against Trump, but you cannot have it all. 

Granny is 90 and full of energy. Her whole life she has been going door to door selling her brand of God. Strong older women are impressive. Years ago Kadizzle had another granny friend. And then there are the Badass Grandmas. Dina is the Queen of the Badass Grandmas in North Dakota.  They whooped the Republicans into shape by creating an ethics commission. The Republicans now have to work twice as hard to pull their crooked tricks, no more free lunches from the energy lobby. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Up and running.

The Blog is going again. Let the torpedoes be damned. Fear for my extended family was the reason Kadizzle chose to shut down, but we are not giving into right wing intimidation. 

Kadizzle will post this warning to anyone who harms my family in any way, low be unto you. Ask some people who know me what happens when you do me wrong. It ain't pretty. Kadizzle likes to call it " A significant emotional event".  Warning it may be your last event. 

The last person that posed a threat to my family was thrown to the ground and beat severely about the head. Kadizzle gave the young man who was over fifty years younger a tune up. His wake up call did not hurt him permanently, but he got the message. Kadizzle held him down until the police arrived. To anyone who seeks to cause a problem for my family you have been warned. Kadizzle is 73.  Life in prison may only be a short course. 

You can try your silly tricks on me. Kadizzle does not grant you immunity, but the family is an entirely different matter. It is the difference between a tennis match and nuclear war. Don't even think about it. Cowards go in the back door. Cowards make false reports and do the things the Tea Party in Payson does. People who believe with principle walk up to other principled people and state their case. If you are a Hooplead and you have a problem with the philosophy of Kadizzle, walk up and state your case. Several Hoopleheads have done just that. In fact Kadizzle had nice conversations with the civil Hoopleheads. During the last conversation with someone on the opposite side of the spectrum a deranged Hooplehead walked up to interject into the conversation. Kadizzle explained the rules about civility.  The deranged Hooplehead hurled a couple of insults and left. 

Now another message to the Hoopleheads, no guns. If you cannot defend your intellect with the substance between your ears a gun will do you no good. A gun cannot make you smarter.  If you live in a world where you have to defend your opinion with a gun, you need a new opinion. You might recall the January 6th riot. If you think the election was stolen, then vote, you don't get to go to the Capitol with a gun and say " We won".  If you think there was fraud, you show proof there was fraud. Taking a gun to the Capitol is not proof of election fraud.  

Raising our children we taught them the value of education. Kadizzle always said to his kids no one can steal your education. Once you are smart no one can make you stupid. They can steal your car,  your money, your horse or anything else, but they cannot steal your knowledge. The problem with using a gun in place of a brain is someone can steal your gun. You always have your brain, you don't always have your gun. Instead of buying a bigger gun, get a bigger brain. Turn off Fox News, quit the Tea Party, and attend some intellectual talks rather than listen to right wing radio. You may discover how much fun it is to learn and grow, rather than be a pawn for the cult. 

Spit on Free Speech

 An angry Hooplehead spit on Emil Kashuntz as he held the " Jail Trump" sign yesterday. Right wing reaction to free speech. 

Using the Jewish Space Laser on the Hoopleheads.

Hopefully word of this will not get back to the Payson Tea Party. The tale is a bit complicated, so stick with me. As you know the Russians have been very clever about using Trump. The Russians have a cadre of people in St. Petersburg pretending to be American facebook users. These are the people who help Fox News manipulate the Hoopleheads. Putin told me personally he pissed his pants with joy when he found out Trump had classified information at his Florida nest. It was a simple matter for Putin to get an agent into the Trump compound to get the classified information. Don't tell the FBI, but it was a cook. How does Kadizzle know. Well that is another story, but to make a long story short Kadizzle used his influence with the right people to get his hands on the plans for the Jewish space laser. Where did the plans come from?   You got it, the Trump nest in Florida. 

Now for the best part. Kadizzle has used the secret Jewish space laser plans to build his own drone laser.  What is he going to do with it? Shh, make sure the Tea Party does not find out. The secret drone will be used to target the Tea Party people as they go to the meeting on Tuesday. Make sure they don't find out. When the laser hits their brain it will make them think normal for an hour. The hole in their head will be unnoticeable beside the big ones. Once they get in the meeting nothing will make sense to them because they will think logically. When they see right through the Trump lies, and cons, it will confuse them. The effect of the laser will wear off in a few hours and they will once again put on the Trump hats and feel normal being abnormal. 

Warning if you happen to run into one of the Tea Party people and they are talking sensible be careful. They will return to abnormal when exposed to sunlight for an hour. You can tell when the laser effect has worn off when you see them watching Fox News again. 

Kadizzle does not want to harm anyone, not even  a misguided Trumper. Payson does have two roundabouts. This could be a problem. If a Tea Party member gets stuck in the transition phase from normal to abnormal it could cause problems. Since they have to negotiate the roundabouts on the way home they may go in circles for hours. Don't be concerned they have been conditioned by Trump to go in circles and they can cope with it. 

Please keep in mind this is classified information. If the Tea Party gets hold of the information they may give it to the Payson Police department, like they did the orange bike incident. The Payson Police have better things to do than come to the Kadizzle home to investigate nonsense brought to them by the Tea Party.  Be respectful of those with weak minds. Tea Party People have their own special dementia which enables them to believe any lie Trump tells. You would be nice to Grandma no matter how odd she acts, so be nice to the Hoopleheads they may be a different species, but still like dogs or cats you have to realize somehow they are God's creatures. 


Sunday, August 21, 2022

Two Old Men

 Two old men standing by the highway leading out of Payson with their " Jail Trump" signs. The clouds overhead tell the story. The clouds are ominous, dark and threatening. That is our country with an evil man in Florida plotting against all so many have fought for. Donald Trump, a man devoid of decency, yet capable of casting a spell over the Fox News crowd that allows his cult to threaten the greatest democracy the Earth has known. 

True suddenness goes by in the passing cars. One Trump cult member spit at the 80 year old man fighting to save our country, and then there are the simple minded amused by their own middle finger. Yet, there is hope, the young people who wave and cheer. It will be the young who save us from the insane. It will be the young who will either arise or fall into oblivion. 

The country has never faced an onslaught like this before. Gullible people have been inundated with fantasy, paranoid conspiracy theories and false hope from a man drunk on power and greed. 

On the other end of town at the Ponderosa Bible Church the minions of Donald Trump will meet on Tuesday to plot against democracy. Imagine using a church to further the ends of Donald Trump. Church people conspiring with the man who sent his armed minions to destroy the Capitol. A new Jesus has moved into our churches. The new Jesus thinks lies, guns, and money are the answer to humanities problems. The old Jesus would not recognize the gang that inhabits his sanctuaries now. They trust Jesus but carry guns just in case. They pray for a winning lottery ticket and absolution for their ignorance. They want to teach Sunday school and destroy the public schools. This is Payson, Arizona 2022 inhabited by a tribal cult that will believe any lie that supports their false idol. If there is a God he will need a lot of lightening to clean up the mess Trump has created. 

Praise the Payson Police

 Apparently the local Trump cultist give copies of this blog to the Payson Police. Take them this one Trumpers. The Payson Police are very professional and encounters with them are always nice. They do their job, and they do it well. Abusing them should not happen, but that does not stop the Trump cult from lying and concocting stories. Among other qualities the Payson Police Department is patient. They have to be to put up with the local insanity. This may include people on both sides of the Trump evil. Hats off to men doing a good job. 

On another topic, the tide may be shifting. There has been an uptick on the good side of the world. More people are stopping to thank us. One incident yesterday just about blew Kadizzle away. Kadizzle knows a nice older fellow, who has a grumpy side. In fact he can be very grumpy. One would assume he was a Trumpist. Well the old fellow pulled up in his pickup truck near where we were holding protest signs. He gave the thumbs up. Kadizzle just could not understand. Kadizzle had it firmly in his head this man would be a Trump guy. Confused Kadizzle went over to the man and asked why he had his thumb up. He said he liked what we were doing and Trump should be hung. Then the new enthusiast stayed and watched the reaction of the cars going by for about thirty minutes. He got to see the middle fingers and the good people with thumbs up. As we left Emil had a brief conversation with him. Our new supporter said he was staying there to protect us. Good people can show up unexpectedly. Of course so can the bad ones. 

Playing into their hands

 Kadizzle has thought a lot about making this blog private because of the danger the Trump Cult represents. However, the Trump cult should not be able to operate as Trump himself does by intimidating people. Intimidation is a key to the Trump cult. Yesterday while protesting a woman with a gun approached one protestor holding a " Jail Trump" sign. 

Earlier in the day Kadizzle approached the Tea Party float that was going to be in the parade. There was a gaggle of the cult members. One cult member asked for Kadizzle's name. Kadizzle gave his name and asked the cult member to cease harassing the Kadizzle family with law enforcement. The cultist denied it. Kadizzle offered the man $100 to go to the police station and see the false report. Nope, then Kadizzle offered any of the cult $500 to see the truth. Nope, the cult leader then told Kadizzle he would call 911 if Kadizzle did not leave. Kadizzle left and the police later came by .  Not sure if the man faked the call or not. 

The Tea Party has on their web site " show up and speak up". Kadizzle asked if he could come to their meeting and speak. Nope, only if you tell them a good fantasy or Trump lie. 

Emil Kashuntz was down on the main highway through town protesting yesterday. It was an eventful day. Several people stopped. Most to congratulate the effort. Kadizzle had a group discussion going with one Trumper and two normal people. A teacher showed up to thank us for the effort. This happened while Kadizzle was talking to the Trumper. Then some rednecks stopped to hurl insults. Two angry cultist came over to our discussion and said some stupid things. Most Trumpers ask "What did Trump do illegal".  When Kadizzle told one of the dolts he took 25 million with his fake college, the Trumper said " Well he gave it back".  These people don't have an once of brains or logic. 

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Maybe Not

Kadizzle is sitting here trying to see if he can escape from the evil Republicans with this blog. So far it does not seem workable. This is sort of a test. It is very sad that someone like Trump can direct his minions to attack people. The same thing happens right here in Payson. The smarter Republicans tell the dumber ones to attack. That has always been history. Those at the top never do the dirty work. That is how Trump has stayed out of jail so far.  

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Up and lazy

 As stated earlier the blog must become private. Kadizzle has not yet accomplished that. However, thought might share a story. The painter, Mario, as Kadizzle calls him, showed up. We just had a conversation. Kadizzle noticed his arm was strange. Mario said he was bit by a rattlesnake in 1990. Then went on to say it was his pet rattlesnake. Mario said he trusted the snake more than most people. Kadizzle would trust a rattlesnake more than a Republican. 

Monday, August 15, 2022

Important News

 Sorry to announce this, but the Kadizzle Blog is going to disappear. My family has become concerned about the violence of the Republicans. They have used social media information to attack me on several occasions already. They distort what is said, and lie about what is written. On two occasions the Republicans have made false claims to law enforcement and used distorted information to do it. My children are concerned the mentally ill Republicans may be a danger to them. I cannot take a chance with the mentally ill Trump cultist. If you want to continue to read this blog email me. I can limit who can read this blog. If I know you I will invite you to read the blog. If you want to continue I will need your email. It is a sad state of affairs, but I cannot risk anyone harassing my family. My email is

Sunday, August 14, 2022

The Orange Bike

 When you think the Republicans in Payson can go no lower they do and by a wide margin. Today the Kadizzle's headed for Cottonwood. Little did they suspect what the Trump Cult was up to.  Driving down the main highway through Payson there they were. The Trump Cult was out in full force. It was a massive display of stupidity with Trump 24 signs and the other usual insanity. Kadizzle called Emil Kashuntz. Emil is a brave man. Emil headed right down to the protest of the Republicans with the Jail Trump sign. 

The Trip to Cottonwood was to see my brother, sister, and other relatives. We went for a picnic at about 9:08.  Around noon the phone indicated someone was at our front door. The video showed a policeman with papers. The Ring doorbell enabled us to talk to the policeman. The officer said the Republicans claimed Kadizzle had been on an orange bike yelling obscenities at the Republican protesters. Of course this was impossible since we had been in Cottonwood since early in the morning. Arrangements were made to speak with the police sergeant when we got back to Payson. The sergeant was very friendly, cordial, and fun to talk too. After a long conversation he realized the Republicans had fabricated the entire thing. The Republicans had two major problems. Kadizzle had ten people who could testify he was in Cottonwood, and he did not own an orange bike. 

Now the story takes another twist. The bravest 80 year old protester Emil immediately went down to the Republican infestation of protesters with his " Jail Trump " sign. The Republicans were irate. One came up to him and said it was illegal for him to stand within 50ft of them. Emil walked away from them a distance and two men with GUNS followed him. They also had flag they used to block his sign. Emil persisted. Republican heads exploded with anger. Kadizzle is very concerned that Republican protesters are carrying guns. Kadizzle does not like Emil being alone among one hundred crazy Trump Cult people. 

It is becoming more apparent from talking to the police that the Trump Cult checks on this blog. Nice to have the cult tuning in.  

Saturday, August 13, 2022


 Standing on the curbside while Emil Kashuntz holds the Jail Trump sign is education. Last evening with the lady protester Emil held the sign while the other sign said indict Trump. The traffic that passes through Payson is incredible. 

If Trump slips out of his latest felony the county is toast. You want frightening? Stand with us and see many angry Trump supporters yell and give the finger. Our country is doomed. No one thought Rome would fall from within. With the help of the Russians our country is gone. 

It was so shocking yesterday to see on PBS a researcher that said the United States ranks 25th in education. Number one is China. We do not respect teachers or knowledge. A cult society has emerged where once proud people lived. Arizona is a classic. The people here are old rich white stingy people who don't want to support education. I got mine the hell with you. That is your typical Republican. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

When you think it cannot get worse

Never in the life of old Kadizzle did he imagine a mess like Trump. The Russians have loved Trump. Putin used Trump as a pawn to disrupt our democracy. It worked and worked well. Now, think about this, Trump may have nuclear secrets at his nest in Florida. Imagine the delight this would be for the Russians. No doubt by now the Russians have planted someone at the nest. Trump is doing Putin many great favors, this one may be our demise. 

Emil and Marion are going to protest across from Republican headquarters today. Note to Republican spies, you need to report this to headquarters. 

Trump is living up to his reputation as the Teflon Don.  No matter what lie he tells or crime he commits his cult uses the old fake news routine. Now they have a new one, planted evidence. No lie or trick is too low for Fox News, and the Trump cult. 


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Convoluted nonsense

Kadizzle often wonders how the human brain works, or maybe doesn't work. Down by the lake the Jehovah Witnesses sit every day hoping to reel in another Witness . They seem like nice cordial people, but try some logic on them and things go south. They do not vote, or partake in politics. Yup, that works great for the Republicans that love the orange monster. 

God is going to take care of everything, just like he took care of slavery and the Jews in Germany. If you get in a conversation with a Witness in no time there will be a Bible verse in you face. If you back them into a corner they resort to Revelations. Now Revelations is hard to beat because it is so nonsensical you can make up anything you want if you use the book of Revelations. 

If you dig deep you will get into a world that is only 6,000 years old and you will find astonishing facts that contradict all real facts. Perhaps the Jehovah gang invented false news. It sure works for them. As Trump figured out their are millions just waiting to be mislead by nonsense, you just have to be brave enough to feed them any story they like.  

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Gambling Code

 So far it appears Kadizzle has found a way to beat the casino. Casinos are the best revenge Native Americans ever got on the white man. The idiots are there every day pumping their social security checks into the machines. 

Statistics could favor the player Kadizzle figured out. On Tuesdays the casino will give you twenty dollars to gamble if you spend twenty of your own dollars. The laws of probability can work in your favor. If you bet twenty dollars, and the casino bets twenty dollars for you that means you have a total of forty dollars invested. Slot machines usually payout 90% of what you put in them. That means if $40 went in then $36 dollars should come out on average. The whole trick to this scheme is to resist the temptation to go beyond the $40. Last night Kadizzle did this for about the fourth time and won $13. Kadizzle got up and left. The casino knows your average dolt will not leave, but start to pump their own money into the vacuum cleaner.  Over time the laws of probability say you will win on average $16 dollars. That is not a great sum, but it will buy you dinner at the casino or put some gas in your car. 

One trick to making this work is to cash out every time you win. The Kadizzles learned this from an Indian woman working at a casino near Sante Fe.  One night we could not find a place to park the camper. In desperation we went to the casino. Casinos in the southwest encourage RV people to stay. Most Casinos will give you ten or twenty dollars to gamble the first time you play. Using their money we were able to cash out and stay free for two nights. Do not, repeat do not use your own money or you are doomed. 

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Who started the Range War?

The local Republicans are meaner, and dumber than bricks. If you are one of the Republican spies reading this forgive me. Awhile back the Republicans got their undies in a bundle because old Kadizzle jokingly said it was " time for a range war'. 

Anyone who watches the real news, not the fake news knows it is the Trump gang that is violent. Here is the story. Old Emil Kashunzte was down on the highway with Mary Kashuntz. Both were protesting by hold signs that suggest Trump be jailed. Some strange deranged Republican woman came by in a yellow jeep and started yelling profanities with a bull horn. Then the lady parked and came up to Mary's face shouting and acting obnoxious. The incident was investigated by the police, and it appears a restraining order will be filed against Mrs, Yellow Jeep. 

Emil had his little incident also. Some teenagers were observing him from across the street when one decided to come over to Emil and confront  him.  The teen said he loved Trump, and what was the problem. Emil just politely said Trump subverted our government. Emil told the teen if he wanted to love Trump that was fine. Apparently someone was watching the teen and yelled at the teen from across the street " Get the hell away from that man".  Nice to know there are strangers who will protect Emil. 

The poor old Trumpers had the bad news the FBI searched the big bumble bee's nest. The evidence speaks for itself, who is violent. 

The Payson paper features an entire page of letters to the editor each week. Kadizzle has been a regular contributor. Reading the letters you can see the distinct difference between the educated, and the uneducated.  Some good letters from the left appeared today. Of course there was a gun advocate with the usual simple minded tome of " a good guy with a gun".

Back to the protest. Watching the vile expressions of the Trumpers is amusing. Almost forgot the big news that one car drove by and a person stuck their naked rear end out the window at Emil. This is your Republican Party of 2022. Nothing show their ability to communicate better than a full moon shining from a truck with Trump stickers. 

Can;t get over it.

Mrs. Kadizzle called Kadizzle to the huge bedroom window, there they were the Elk. As many times as we have seen them they still amaze. Only twenty feet away the size of these monsters and the racks they have are astounding. Having these giants wander through the yard is one of the highlights of living here. This morning there were four. Two monsters, a medium, and a. younger one, all bulls. 

Monday, August 08, 2022

The Clan Gathers

The tribe gathered in Scottsdale yesterday. The relatives gathered from West Virginia, where the clan started, others came from the D.C. area, from Idaho, and of course Arizona. Way back when the old folks came from Ireland, Germany, England, and who knows where. Next Saturday there will be yet another gathering in Cottonwood. There are so many of us a lot of the cousins are just meeting for the first time. Since Kadizzle comes from a family of nine the roots go every which way. Of the nine almost everyone had two children. So now there were 16 total off spring. Most of them produced a child or two. That gets us somewhere near 32. 

The trends that run strong in the family are investment people, lawyers, and mining and construction type people. Of course there is a strong art contingent. Of the whole band only a couple flamed out. 

The current generation of worker bees somehow or other are in the computer type jobs. 

Of the original nine we have traveled a good part of the world. Not but one person was in the military Kadizzle can think of. Forgot to mention there are a lot of writers in the family. Someone needs to make a road map of who is in the gang. Kadizzle is old and his mind has turned to oatmeal so he cannot keep track of who belongs to who. 

Sunday, August 07, 2022

Payson has a pulse

 It is a new life in Payson, there are things to do. The town has some life with various things going on all the time. On the other hand Hazen was on life support. It looked like a funeral home with 2,500 people sitting in the dark. 

Last night we went to a laser light show, it was not the best, but was interesting. Along with the light show they had a food truck festival. Earlier in the day the farmers market had a blow out for the kids going back to school. Boredom is not the problem it was in North Dakota. 

The people here are friendly. A lot of people ask about our electric bikes. Yesterday a bum like fellow started asking questions. The man was in good shape and said he rode the bike he was on from Flagstaff. He was in. his sixties, and that is a long ride of 94 miles in one day. You have to give the bum walkers credit they are resourceful. Kadizzle let Mr. Bumore ride the ebike. He was amazed and wanted to adapt his bike. Mr. Bumore said he was on his way to Quartzite. That is a couple hundred miles from here. Gradually he is going to work his way there. All he has is 78 pounds of equipment on his bike. Bums migrate with the weather and he is going to a warmer climate. 

No shortage of mean nasty Republicans. Emil Kashuntz was down on the highway holding the Jail Trump sign.  About 25% of the people driving by give the middle finger. It is actually fun to see an angry Hooplehead. Kadizzle stands by Emil to keep him company and we watch the Hoopleheads take joy in giving us the finger. We yell " Thank you" " I love you".  Some of the Hooples get so enthusiastic about defending the orange rat. Some will take both hands off the wheel to use both middle fingers. Old nasty ladies show their church love with the middle finger.  Now some people will actually stop and yell some nasty words. On the other hand there are about sixty percent for putting the rat in jail that give the thumbs up. Some of them also stop for encouragement. It is sad to see so many people in the Republican fog. 

Saturday, August 06, 2022

Elk Social

 Payson has an Elks club, but here the Elk are real. Last night Kadizzle came upon three huge elk at the end of our street. The elk have become so tame in Payson they pay little attention to people or dogs. Not long ago two of the big ones were on mainstreet under the trees enjoying the shade. Apparently two of the monsters on the street last night are well known. The locals have dubbed them Ben and Jerry. To the locals they are nothing new, but to an old married couple from Hazen, North Dakota seeing the large beast is exciting. Was hoping they would come through our yard. A couple of grandchildren are visiting down the street. The ten year old had never seen an elk before and quickly ran home to report to Grandma " There is a strange animal with horns".

Talked to Bob last night an he said one elk took him two years to eat. Our builder said it is legal to shoot one from your porch in season with a bow if you have a permit. Hope no one shoots Ben and Jerry. 

New York Times today has an article on how Alex Jones made millions lying to idiots. Trump of course is a buddy with Alex, not kidding. Trump has shown the power of lying. Fox News has made billions from telling falsehoods to idiots.  It used to be liars were fringe money makers, but now it has become big business. The abundance of stupid people makes the harvest easy. According to the article Alex Jones has lied about every major news story. He does not miss a chance to lie. Of course Trump is right there with him. 

Friday, August 05, 2022

A Vast Wilderness

An amazing aspect of our new home is the access to the wilderness. Payson is surrounded by national forest. Last evening Kadizzle set out on the motorcycle to take the twenty mile loop through the wilderness. In less than a mile from home the road leads to Doll Baby Ranch. In an instant you leave civilization and enter a land almost untouched by humans. You get to see what the natives saw.  After a nine mile trip the pavement gives out. The drop from Payson is maybe two thousand feet. At the bottom is the East Verde River. Ain't no way you crossing it without getting wet on a motorcycle. Then the road goes forever. The real wonder is no human intervention in sight in any direction for up to forty miles. To the west you could go for days and see no human structures. Way off to the southwest you can see the four peaks. Mind boggling that you leave Payson with cars constantly humming on the highway and you travel for an hour without seeing another human being. Topping it off is the air. The recent rains have given the air that extra nice feeling. The temperature was perfect. 

Hope the spies are reading. Here goes. The Republican infestation has proved to be frightening. Knowing we live in a world where almost half the people are delusional is scary.  There was a small ray of hope. Some local city commission seats were filled with decent people. Arizona is toast if the Republicans actually make it in the fall. Some minor good news. The current mayor may be defeated. Why is this good news? The current mayor was best man at Joe Airpio's wedding. Remember him, he was the insane sheriff. 

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Down by the Lake

Kinda nice way to spend the evening. A group of people meet regularly down by the nice lawn at the lake. Sitting in folding chairs they shoot the breeze. People walk by and strike up a conversation. There are three wonderful little lakes or ponds, whatever you want to call them. They are gems of this town. Kadizzle is always amazed about the enjoyment they bring people. Kids are always fishing and the old goats get a lot of exercise walking around the water. 

The lakes magically do something for the social order. Water has a calming effect. To keep the fish alive there are aerators in the water. At night the spray from the aerotars are lit to produce a colorful light show. Dogs, more dogs, big dogs, and tons of little dogs. Everyone has a dog and people are constantly picking up the production from the end of the dog food processing. Dogs create conversations. Last but not least are the Jehovah's witnesses working in shifts. Kadizzle has just about met them all. No problems for them God is going to take care of everything. 

Of course you always have to have dingers. You know the guys with the loud obnoxious vehicles that drive by. The old goats going through their second or third childhood often park the precious car they have been working on near the lake so someone can come by and make a remark. Every guy that did not feel he was respected in high school has to get a corvette. A zippity do da car at 16 is far different from one at 65, but the goats are lost in nostalgia. On a bright yellow corvette a old goat was sitting. Kadizzle noticed him as he went to the lake social. Later the goat had to drive by making excessive noise so everyone knew he achieved his teenage dream. Too late goat all the girls already have an old goat. 

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Dress up like a dog

 Kadizzle just returned from the grocery store. What an experience. A friend was there buying food. Nothing strange about that except half the food was for their dogs. It took awhile to register, there was fresh chicken, and rice, for the dogs that would be cooked and served. With the right seasoning it would have fed about ten humans. There were six packs of chicken thighs. We live in an amazing country where the dogs eat better than a quarter of the world. 

Grocery stores try every trick in the world to lure in people. Safeway has an insane system of discounts. If you jump through three hoops and stand on your head wiggling your ears you can save some money. Computers may have caused as many problems as they solved. Kadizzle decided to use the self check out with about half the food we purchased. This was to save the boss time. She checked out the traditional way. First, to get the 10% senior discount Kadizzle had to have the clerk put in a special code. Now there were a lot of people waiting so Kadizzle tried to hurry. The blasted machine weighs the stuff you buy. To keep the machine happy Kadizzle quickly piled up groceries. There it went, the spaghetti sauce splattered on the floor. The mess only created more problems. 

Now for the grand finale. Kadizzle was going to get rich saving money. His cereal was on sale, buy one box get one free.  Seems simple right, nope another nightmare. Computer A did not talk to computer B, and clerk C did not understand what either computer wanted. So the service counter refunded the money for all the cereal. Kadizzle had to sign some papers for the refund. The the woman at the service counter repurchased three of the six cereal boxes. By this time Kadizzle was lost as to what was going on. Next she repurchased the rest of the six cereal boxes. Meanwhile there are seven people waiting their turn behind Kadizzle. The woman said some mumbo jumbo about how much the final cost was. By this time Kadizzle was so embarrassed about the line he caused he said " Just charge me what you want and let me go". Sheepishly walking away Kadizzle apologize to those in line. They were kind and said they would all be causing the same problem. 

Meanwhile, and during the kerfuffle Mrs Quinn had check out her stuff and was sitting out at the car. She calls in the middle of the riddle solving and is scared the ice cream will melt before we get home. The moral of the story is plan your shopping like a D Day assault. 

On this Planet

The cows gather in the shade, and the Republicans gather in the warm parts of the country. Arizona is plagued with people who only want to be warm. They don't care what day it is, they don't care if the planet is melting, but they are warm. Have you ever seen two horses side by side but end to end? The tail of one horse brushes the flies from the face of the other horse. Monkeys sit in a row picking bugs from each others backs. That is how the Republican party works. You tell each other lies and it works for both of you. 

Seeing the election results in Arizona is a scary sight. Hitler like insanity right in front of you in the newspaper. Walking around knowing half the people you see are detached from reality is not a good experience. The truth evaporated here. It has been replaced with fear and fantasy. Where are the good people? The good people are afraid to be known, speak up, or confront the insane. 

Don't mean to be downbeat, but the end is near. A recent article pointed out we are closer to nuclear war than ever. Putin has threatened, and just wait until some crazy religious gang gets a nuclear bomb, it's God' will.  

Down at the park the Jehovah's Witnesses tell Kadizzle God will take care of everything. Where was God when the toast was burning, when the slaves were shipped? More than likely God is staring at his cell phone like the teenagers do. God is probably caught up in the internet playing some war game. One thing for sure is God has been shirking his job here. Meanwhile Satan has been working overtime laughing. Satan must be having a drink watching a Donald Trump speech. 

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Bums in a clown car

 After the motorcycle was low on fuel Kadizzle decided to make an evening trip to the gas station. While filling the tank Kadizzle heard the roar of some strange vehicle. It was an older white van crossing the highway, and then there was the noise of the van hitting a concrete barrier. The door slid open and a fairly tall stringy woman got out of the van with two suitcases. She immediately went over and looked in the garbage can. That was strange, then she looked around the side of the gas station. Finally she took off down the highway with her baggage. Meanwhile the others she arrived with seemed to be having an argument of fight, and another woman threw something back at the van. Also she tried to pull the wrecked bumper off the van. The whole situation looked like the people were on drugs or intoxicated. 

As Kadizzle left the gas station he could see they had damaged their bum wagon. Thinking someone might get hurt if this gang got on the road again Kadizzle went by the sheriffs office and told an officer to check out the mess. The city police showed up and in no time were handcuffing people. First one more law enforcement showed up and finally there were five police cars and an ambulance. As best Kadizzle could tell they were high on something. 

Now the way the world works. If Kadizzle had not got the police involved the people at the gas station would have just gone on ignoring these dingers. What if they did get on the road again? They could have hurt or killed someone. Not my problem. That is the modern world. Live and let live works fine most of the time, but there is a time to report drunks, thieves, and Republicans. 

Monday, August 01, 2022

Down by the highway

Old Emil was at it again down by the highway with the " Jail Trump" sign. At the casino wine tasting Kadizzle got a free American flag. Waving that flag with Emil really stirred the Hoopeheads. The fun part of the job are the reactions. The delight the Hooples get in giving the finger is a sight to behold. Seeing a nasty old Republican lady lean over to put her middle finger closer to the window is a delight. Stupid people are frustrated. They should be. The inability to think is disabling. The poor Hoopleheads that fell into the cult know deep down they are just rubbish Trump uses to build his wall of evil. Who are the Hoopleheads really mad at? They are mad because they are stuck. They cannot undo the prison Fox News built around them. 

Now to the recent miracle at Fox News, Fox is abandoning Trump. Little by little they are letting the orange monster drown. Wait, this brings on a story. Yesterday as Kadizzle was flag waving a family walked nearby. It appeared the mom gave us a thumbs up. Kadizzle went over to the family and asked the mom " Are you supporting us? She smiled and said yes. Kadizzle could see the family was headed to the gas station across the street for treats. They had two small girls. Kadizzle pulled out his wallet and gave them each a dollar to buy something. They were delighted. The older girl said " Dad calls him the orange monster".  Kadizzle laughed. So true. 

Every redneck town has a few simple minded dingers that love to blow smoke out the exhaust of their diesel truck. The best display of anger was one of these brainless idiots that slowed down by our sign display. The dinger slowed down then stepped on the accelerator of his goofy truck with a defective exhaust system. Black smoke rolled out and it looked like we were in Satan's fog. So nice to see insanity on full display. 

Kadizzle thought why not recruit a bum to hold the Jail Trump sign when Emil was too tired. There are always about three beggars up by the big intersection.  Kadizzle found one sitting on the concrete leaning against a post with a begging cup. Approaching the decrepit man Kadizzle asked if he wanted to earn twenty dollars an hour for holding the Trump sign. Nope, he said, he liked Trump. Kadizzle pointed out to Mr. Bumore that the reason he was sitting there was because he believed in Trump.