Friday, February 18, 2022

The Moving Hands of Time

That was yesterday, and yesterday is gone. The clock ticks and the hour glass runs out. The sun comes up and the sun goes down. At some point the sun will go down for the last time. Aging is enlightening. Kadizzle is in the crumbling stage of life, sometimes going to bed at seven. On the flip side we wake up at for or five in the morning. Not only do we crumble, but we watch those around us crumble. The children sprout up like weeds, as the leaves fall off our tree. 

How do you rate your life? Stroupini says he is in the last quarter. If the Game has 100 years that means you have reached seventy five. Looking back Kadizzle sees friends who were out of the game early. Kadizzle sees it as a football game. It feels like the ten yard line. This is that magic stage of life where you better do what you want. Now the problem is you may not want to do anything. 

Looking back is interesting. Kadizzle looks way back at two promising students he went to school with. These two were the ones that got the very best grades and seemed destined for a bright future. They both flamed out, and never reached their promise. As the old man gets older somehow he is getting in touch with people of sixty years ago.  How many people Kadizzle went to school with turned out to be infected with right wing Trump insanity? Too many. Kadizzle grew up in West Virginia, a stronghold of democrats. Now the state has turned into a Trump sewage pit. West Virginia used to be full of all kinds of jobs, unions, and some prosperity. Now the entire economy is based on health care and welfare. 


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