Friday, February 25, 2022

Here we go

 No better way to start the day than a war in Europe. Trump showed Putin how divided and weak we are. The United States has become so unmanageable because of Republican obstructionism, our country could not manage a one car funeral. In the old days we could put on a good war, but now we cannot get our war supplies because the ships from China that bring us everything are stuck in the harbor unable to unload. Trump and the rich have done to our country what is needed to make Russia great again. As a country we have squandered our legacy. We have become so full of ignorant easily mislead people. Look at us. We are fat and happy .  The grill is out there on the deck, the TV hangs above the fireplace, and Kadizzle has hot coffee. What me worry. Those wars always go away, so lets watch football and wait this one out. 

Stupid had developed a new strain. Kadizzle decided yesterday to take Shanika for an exploratory ride down to the East Verde River. Driving down the scenic road Kadizzle noticed a truck sitting beside the road. The truck had no bumper. Up the steep mountain dirt side road covered with snow something appeared to be laying in the road. Kadizzle was so puzzle he stopped. A tall thin bearded guy came out of the bushes up on the hill by the road. He started to walk toward his truck down by the paved highway. When he got close enough Kadizzle asked him if was having a problem. He said no. Kadizzle then asked him if he had driven up the snow covered dirt road. He said he tried, but could not make it. Kadizzle then asked him if he had wrecked his truck since the from was lacking a bumper, grill and so forth. Nope he said. Then he proceeded to say he had taken the bumper off to use it as a sled. The bumper must have been a big plastic sort of thing. That was what was lying in the road. His wife popped over the hill to get the bumper for another sled ride. Now is there anyone so simple mined that they would remove the bumper from the front of their Truck so they could use it for sled riding? When it comes to pickup trucks stupidity rains supreme. If you want to get a good girlfriend you don't have to have huge antlers like the elk do, but you do need a huge goofy pickup truck. Now a disclaimer. Kadizzle sort of has a huge pickup truck. In anticipation of pulling our large camper Kadizzle went nuts and bought a one ton truck with a long bed. The damn thing is huge, and a nightmare to park. Kadizzle had not modified it to make the classic goof truck, but the goofs still admire it. The simple minded often come up and say "That's a nice truck".  Actually it is a nice truck. It has every bell and whistle imaginable. It even senses when it is could and automatically heats the seat.  It is way more truck than is practical and since we cut short our supposed two year life in the camper, now Kadizzle is stuck with this behemoth. 

Originally the plan was to live for two years without a home. Nope, Winky had to have a house, so after about a year and a few months we now have a house, and two expensive toys. The camper and the truck cost way more than our first house. We the stock market in the tank this seems like great planning. 

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