Saturday, February 05, 2022

Modern Work

Before the sun is up Danny shows up to start his day building the foundation for a house next door. Soon Juan shows up. They work steady and hard all day laying eight inch blocks. The blocks are heavy. Then comes the teenage helper. Teenager number one lasted one day, teenager number two made it through the first day, skipped he second and showed up on the third. Modern kids have no concept of work. Modern work for teenagers means a break every so often to check the cell phone. There are still people who work hard every day, but they are few and far between. Most of the hard work is done by the people in China, and India. We just steal the excess. 

A lot of people never really worked in their entire life. Old Kadizzle shuns hard work, but he has done it. In the early days Kadizzle put up hay with his brother Colin. In West Virginia, that was hard sweaty work. Dragging hay bales into an abandoned house and stacking them in every room with shut windows was a task. Kadizzle remembers moving mine timbers from one cut to the next along with steel jacks in four foot coal, that was work. Old Winky and Kadizzle are building a rock wall. It feels a lot like work. 

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