Monday, February 21, 2022

Here it comes

The Kadizzles have been living a life without winter for years. Just move away from the cold is the way old people live, but that will end in the next few days. The cold is headed this way clear down to Payson, Arizona. It may snow tomorrow. Thankfully the snow never last, but yesterday we were working outside in T shirts. Such is life. However, we are about to have friends from the north visit. The whole game was to let them warm up. Of course we can drive down off the mountain to warmth. 

Old Shanika is going to show up with his bucket of rocks from North Dakota. The rare North Dakota rocks will travel to Quartsite, where the largest gathering on Earth of nomads takes place. There we will try to sell the magic rocks. The original plan was to pay for Shanika's trip with the rocks. If it happens it will be a miracle. The rocks are Knife River Flint. Supposedly the only place on Earth where this stuff is found is in North Dakota. The best arrow heads ever made are made from Knife River flint. The flint knappers like the stuff, but will they pay. Another old friend did manage to sell some, but he is not rich from it. 

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