Monday, February 07, 2022

One more time

 Awakening a tired old body is a task, especially after moving rocks all day yesterday. The massive wall is just about done, but Winky insist on artistic rocks.  Big rocks hold up the wall and if they do not have moss on them, such is life, but they are not pretty Winky says. 

The glow over the mountains is a bright dull yellow and make for a unique morning. The trees are silhouetted against the sky. So here we go off to another day. Our first task will be a major fight against imaginary dirt. Winky has a dose of OCD. Dust and dirt are everywhere, but you can't see it. Like germs dirt is magical. You can have dirt everywhere, and not know it. 

In the ancient past Kadizzle was once a vacuum cleaner salesman. It was in highschool, and a terrible silly job. Some gangster like fellow ran the scam. We were selling a $49 vacuum cleaner for $270. Mr. Gangster always said " pull dirt".  What he meant was put a filter on the vacuum and show the customer how dirty their carpet was. Dirt will always come out of a carpet or furniture. You can vacuum all day, and at the end of the day you will still get dirt on the filter. One trick we used in the sales pitch was to ask the customer to get up. When the man or woman got up we would vacuum where they were sitting. Naturally we would get dirt. If that failed we would go to their bed and do the mattress. At that point the salesman would declare " You will walk on it, you will sit in it, are you going to sleep on it?".  So today we will be chasing imaginary dirt all over the house. 

Kadizzle just noticed the other day someone has invented a vacuum cleaner with a laser light. It shows dirt you otherwise cannot see. The people obsessed with dirt will love it. The good old bible says " Ashes to ashes, dust to dust". Kadizzle is a walking dust bag, so dust does not scare him. 

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