Sunday, February 20, 2022

Someone cooks up this crap

 One by one we meet the people who will be moving in, and those who are already here. Yesterday a fellow from way down the hill wandered into the driveway. Soon we were talking, and then talking some more. In not time we covered everything from world events to local politics. Like so many of these conversations a few red flags popped up. The guy had some weird theory about google stock, and then of course the old Trilateral commission came up.

Kadizzle told the guy both his conspiracy theories seemed a bit strange, and that Kadizzle would research them. Later Kadizzle looked into the Google stock story. The fellow said google stock would be split 20 for one and that you could not sell or buy google stock for some period of time when this happened. Well it turned out there was a very small grain of truth to this spun story. Google is going to split their stock, but it has nothing to do with world domination. Everyone who has ever talked to a nutcase knows the Trilateral commision nonsense.  

So who spins up this insanity? Well one guy is Pat Robertson. Of course you have Fox News, and then all sorts of crazy people on right wing radio. Kadizzle tied to explain to this guy how people are played by the right wing media, but it was hopeless. The scary part is the sheer volume of idiots roaming about spreading nonsense. 

Now lets sober up for a minute. This has been going on forever. Religion is the ultimate conspiracy theory. Religion has always been used to bilk people and lead them into war, discontent, and so on. So why should we be surprised people suck up modern conspiracy theories. 

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