Monday, May 04, 2020

What time is it?

Kadizzle got drawn into an article about how the virus will affect the expensive watch industry.  Who cares? What kind of world do we live in where people live in shacks and other people wear $220,000 watches.  What in the hell is going on when you are willing to pay that kind of money to know what time it is?  There are very few problems in the world that are simply not distribution problems.  When $200, 000,000 yachts flourish and people do without we have a problem.  When so many have three homes and so many more don't even have one, we have a problem.  What in the hell is wrong with people? When we have a surplus of labor we build war planes, pyramids, walls, but not homes, schools, and hospitals. What in the hell is wrong?  It is unleashed greed, and it is destroying the planet. Hope Kadizzle cheered everyone up today.

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