Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Here we sit, Kadizzle, and the people inside his head.  The coffee is good, Winky went nuts because something went wrong with the coffee maker and the coffee went all over the floor.  Cannot resist listening to the ex con tell his stories on youtube.  It makes one realize how nutty the world is.  Here it comes.  Trump.  Trump is just a lousy con man.  Trump is a mentally ill nut case.  Kadizzle grew up with a psychopath that lived a few blocks away. These people have no sense of getting caught.  The con man on youtube was telling his story about how his pizza business was too much of a headache so he thought he would just burn it down.  The first try did not work, so he went back later and burnt down the whole block.  The insurance company knew he did it, but could not prove it.

When Kadizzle lived in Wheeling, it was at one time known as little Chicago.  Al Capone came to the racetrack there.  Anyway if you have seen the mob type operate they are not hard to figure out.  Trump is nothing but a mob guy.  Who could be so stupid as not to see it. Trump dismisses all the good guys and fills the positions with idiots and other mob guys. Trump's gang scamed the virus. Trump tries to get people to buy his drug as a cure.  It is like a cheap tv commercial.  Trump or one of his buddies must have had stock in Clorox.  Why else would he try to get people to drink bleach.  Now for the amazing part, the idiots who cannot see what is going on.  Simple minded people surround us, they walk around in a daze.  When someone hangs with the mob, they are part of the mob. Look at Cramer, and whats his name Burgum.  If you watch the con man video you will find out loyalty is everything in the mob.  Does that sound familiar? Our country is being run by the mob.  How can people be this stupid. Trump will not show his taxes.  Did anyone forget Al Capone went to jail on taxes.   Now, this takes the cake.  One of Trump's guys goes to jail, and he pardons them. Imagine a mob boss who can pardon people.  Are we really this stupid?

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